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I called and called. It was nearly 4PM. Someone finally answered. But I think it was by mistake. "Ana-" I spoke before I heard faint moaning. It was very high pitched, so it wasn't Ana. Or Jamie. Was she doing a girl? I wouldn't be surprised, but still. A little, 'Hey, Vic. I like girls too.' Would've been nice.

I listened closely.

"That's not what I had planned." I heard Ana say, kind of irritated. An all-too-familiar laugh was heard. Christofer Drew. Ugh. Great.


I drove to Chris' place. What was she doing there? She could've at least said bye. I literally had to drag Ana out of Chris' flat. "Explain." I said. "I don't wanna talk about it." She huffed and looked out the window. I opened the glovebox. It was filled with candy. She gasped. "I was upset because Jamie broke up with me and I wanted to forget about it so I went and got high with my happy hippie."

I let her at the candy and she tore threw it like the Tasmanian devil. "You were getting high?!" I yelled at her. "Wait. Jamie broke up with you? I'm sorry."


Even though I love Anarchy to the ends of the earth, I wanted to test her. I went out with the guys, but didn't get drunk at all. But I pretended I did. I told Ana she was grounded and kept our bodyguard, Steve there to keep an eye on her.

I stumbled in her hotel room to see her and Steve playing poker. Hundred dollar bills were scattered on the bed and chips and cards were, too. "You can go, Steve." I slurred. He left.

  "Wow, Vic." Anarchy said. "You actually let loose for once. Good for you." I stumbled over to her. "Shut up," I giggled. She laughed at me. "C'mon. Let's get you in bed, Vic. It's late." She said. "Ooh, Anarchy wants to get me in bed." I laughed. She giggled. "Good one, but seriously. You're gonna have a serious headache in the morning." She handed me a bottle of Advil. I smacked the bottle out of her hands.

I did everything Ana did when she was drunk. I chased her, sung Britney Spears into my hairbrush, 'threw up', and said really weird stuff. I then tried this last one. I pushed her against the wall and pecked her neck and lips. At first she went along but then she pushed me away. "No no no no no no no, Vic..I can't...You're drunk."

"Vic, take these and then go to sleep." She huffed at me and shoved two Advils at me. I stared at her. Had I just pressed a button? She always did it to me so what's happening??

"Vic, I swear to god I will shove these pills down your throat if you do not take them," Ana said, her hand still extended with the pills in her hands.

I continued to stare at her and think. Ana sighed and rubbed her eyes. "You look like a deer caught in the headlights." She put the pills on the nightstand. Ana walked to the bathroom. "Ana wait," I said. "What, Vic?" She turned around. "I was testing you. I'm sober." I raised my hands defensively.

She came over and punched my arm. I laughed at her. She walked over to her suitcase and pulled a pair of clothes out. Ana started walking to the bathroom and followed her in.

I closed the door behind me. "What do you want?" She asked, bittersweet. "Nothing. I have to pee." I told her. She rolled her eyes and started getting undressed as I went pee.

"So, are you upset about Jamie?" I asked as I washed my hands. "Of course." She said, slipping her tee shirt over her head and letting it fall to the floor. By this point she was only in her bra and underwear. She turned around. "Vic, can you-" I caught on and unclasped her bra. "Thanks." She said and shooed me out of the bathroom.

I remember the first time Ana got undressed in front of me. Tenth grade, our first girl/boy sleepover. It was a dare to 'go swim in the freezing lake in your undies'. It was Mike's idea and Ana was the first one to go.

I remember how my eyes widened when she took her pants off and everyone was laughing at my reaction. It was, really, the first time I saw a girl at least half naked. I always thought it would be the time I lost my virginity. But, I think Ana had other plans.

The next weekend, on our next sleepover, I saw Ana (and Mike...gross) completely naked when we all went skinny dipping at 3AM.


My phone dinged. It was Mike. He sent me a photo. I swiped it and typed in my pass code. The picture was a screenshot of Instagram. The photo was of my girlfriend, Ciara and some other guy. He was kissing her. The caption said; Our three year anniversary.

My lips trembled. My chest hurt. That could be a close family member. Maybe they have weird customs. I didn't believe it. I got out of bed and called her.

"Hey, Vicky!" She answered cheerily. "Tell me it isn't true, baby." I said, shakily. "Please." She sniffed on the other line. "Vic, I'm so sorry. I meant to tell you but I...didn't get around to it. I'm so sorry." I hung up.

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