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  They gave me back my suitcase. I knew they wouldn't let me keep my phone, so I gave it to Vic in advance. I was currently laying on my bed, listening to music from my iPod.

They had taken my piercing for whatever reason, and took my gauges out, too. I was scared. This was the first day that I started my schedule. I ate breakfast at eight, I had personal counseling at eleven, lunch at one-thirty, therapy at four, and dinner at eight. The rest of the day was spent in our rooms. Every. Single. Day.

I'm surprised they don't send sane people here to go crazy. That's what it seems. I fell asleep listening to Pierce The Veil. That's all I listened to these days. It just made me miss him more, though.


   Alex was shaking me awake. "Anarchy. Wake up. We're gonna be late for therapy." I groaned. "Fuck off!" I rolled over.

"C'mon. I know you hate it, but you're not gonna leave if you don't." He said. I didn't answer. He sighed. He picked me up bridal style sand started walking. "Alex, put me down! Dude!" I squirmed  in his grip. "Keep squirming. I'm gonna laugh when you fall." He smirked and I stopped.

He plopped me down in a chair in the therapy room. He was right. We were the last ones there. I fell out of my chair. A few people snickered. Others stared. I wanted to tell everyone to stop staring and suck my dick, but..

I got up and sat back in my chair. Alex was sitting next to me. A short, chubby girl with red hair gasped and pointed at me. "You're Vic Fuentes' girlfriend!" She squealed in a high-pitched voice. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"Uh, hi..I have a name you know. It's Anarchy." I said quietly. Suddenly everyone was talking. I took deep breaths. I thought I was about to have an anxiety attack. Alex saw me. "Bite your shirt." He advised. "What?" I breathed. "Bite your shirt so you don't scream."

Good thing I had two shirts on. I took my Slipknot shirt off and bit it as hard as I could. They had me on a different medicine for my anxiety, but obviously it wasn't working. By the time I introduced myself I was in tears. Of course, no one but Alex seemed to notice, for I was silently crying.

He rubbed small circles on my back. I reminded myself to thank him when I remembered how to talk.

I collapsed on my bed in tears as soon as therapy was over. Alex came over to me and rubbed my back. I sat up and looked at him. "How long have you been here, in this hospital?" I asked, wiping my eyes with my hand. He bit his lip. "Two days."

I flopped back on my bed. "Great. Tell me about yourself, Alex. I never bothered to ask you." I said bittersweetly.

  "I'm glad you asked. My name is Alex Jordin Lewis. When my dad died, I got really depressed and suicidal." He held his long hair back to reveal purple and green strangulation marks that were slowly fading. "I thought about how and when I was gonna kill myself for two days. Hanging myself seemed like the most painless option. Now I'm here." He smiled wryly.

There was a knock on our glass door. I nearly screamed. Vic and some administrator lady were standing there. Vic smiled at me as I scrambled to my feet, forgetting Alex ever existed.

They opened the door and I ran into him. He had sunglasses on and his hood was up. I hugged him so tight I'm surprised he didn't pop. Alex chuckled behind me. "So the rumor's were true, eh? He is your boyfriend." I turned around. "Best friend, actually."

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