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My phone rang in the middle of PTV's sound check. It was my boyfriend, Jamie. "Hi, baby." I said into the phone. "Don't you 'Hi baby' me! You haven't talked to me in days! I call you and you never pick up! You are such a bitch!" He hung up.

My chest felt like it was caving in. Did he just break up with me? I couldn't breathe. I decided to leave. I hated feeling feelings. They suck.

  I hailed a cab to my friend Christofer's place. I called him to make sure he was home. "Chris? Hey, it's me." I said. "Hello, Ana. What's up?" He said in a cheery tone. "Hey, I just called to make sure you were home. Can I come over? I kinda need some...help."

In Chris and I's world, 'help' actually meant weed. Of course, Vic didn't know. I called Chris whenever I needed to forget. We got high until we couldn't remember our own names.

I paid the cab driver and knocked on Chris' door. He opened the door and frowned at me. Make up stained my cheeks. He hugged me.

After I fixed my make up, Chris handed me the blunt and smiled at me. I returned the smile as he lit both mine and his. At the first puff I almost started to feel better instantly.

  At the fifteenth I felt completely better. I couldn't remember what I was upset about. I didn't know what time it was. We were so high. It was amazing.  Chris tapped my leg and laughed. "Can we kiss? I just, like, wanna know how it feels with your piercing." He laughed again. I sat on his lap and did a little more than kissing. I grabbed his waist and kissed up his neck. His moans were funny. They weren't like Vic's. Christofer's moans were high pitched. I laughed at him. He laughed back at me. This continued for about twenty minutes.

But, then things got heated. I tightened my grip on his waist and he gasped. I took the opportunity to stick my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and of course, I won. He tugged on my shirt. I took it off, breaking the kiss. He sat up and hugged me. What the fuck?

"Y'know, this is not what I had planned." I said. "It's what I planned." Chris laughed and pulled away. I could tell he was coming down from his high. I wasn't, though. Nope. I was as high as a cloud.

Chris picked up my shirt that I discarded and turned it outside in. Or...whatever. I grabbed it and put it back on. "I have perfume in my bedroom if you need it," Chris told me. "Why do you have perfume?" I asked. He shrugged. 

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