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"Slow conversations with a gun mean more than I've ever said to anyone, any-" Ana cut me off. "What does that mean?" She asked. When I first started writing music, we used to always have long conversations about what the lyrics meant. Sometimes, they were very uncomfortable. Especially when she asked about Fast Times At Clairmont High.

"Remember when I caught you with a gun to your head that one night?" My voice was smoother than my words were. She nodded reluctantly.

  She had her finger on the trigger when I had snuck through her window. "Anarchy!" I smacked the gun out of her hand and held her close. She cried and cried.


"Hey, Ana!" I yelled from my room. "What?" She yelled back. "I'm going out with the guys-" I was cut off. "I always knew you were gay!" She laughed. "I meant, like, out to a bar. Do you wanna come?" I asked. "No, I have some stuff to do. You go 'head, though. Have a good time." She said and turned her attention back to her phone screen. She was currently curled up on the couch, warped in a green blanket. "'Kay, suit yourself." I said and walked back to my room. I had realized a little bit ago that I had a crush on Ana, but she just wanted to be friends with benefits. Seriously, who wouldn't fall for Ana, right? She's hot, funny, smart, cool and so much more. I couldn't live without her. I did love her. I knew that she knew that already. It bugged me. I just wanted to hug and kiss her and call her mine. But, no. The universe has other plans, apparently. It doesn't want my happiness this time. It wants my sadness.

I slumped over to my dresser. I brushed through my hair a bit, just making myself look a bit better. Afterwards I put on sneakers and a jacket, grabbed my phone and kissed and goodbye/goodnight. It was about 9-ish, so I would probably be back around midnight.

9:19 PM

I had my second beer. The guys and I were having a great time. Ana crossed my mind a few times. I wondered what she was doing. Mike and Jaime started laughing about something. I laughed along, pretending that I was paying attention to what they had said.


I had just finished my sixth drink, and I was giggling like someone had just said the most funniest thing. "Heheheheheheh Mmiiiiike." I slurred. "Heheheheheheh Viiiiiiiic." My little brother slurred back. "G-guess heheheheheheh w-what hehehehe." I giggled. "Huh?" He asked. Jaime was only a bit tipsy, so he was laughing at us. I burped in Mike's face. He laughed and pushed me back. I giggled at him.


I was arguing with Ana on the phone, going on my ninth drink and probably one of my last. "Ana lisssssssten to meee." I whined. "I'm listening." She sighed tiredly. "You-you-you jussst g-gotta lissssten to me," I said, pronouncing the 't' in 'listen'.


"Ana! Ana, it's 11:11 that's what I was trying to teeeellll you. Now, make a wish." I said and squeezed my eyes shut as tight as I could. Ana sighed on the line.


Ana hung up.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket. I laws at Jaime. "Jaime I-I-I wanna go hooooome." I whined at him. He was talking to some girl. She was pretty; a brunette with blue eyes and sort of pale skin. Jaime ignored me because of the girl.

I huffed. I shoved my way in front of the girl and kissed Jaime. Immediately, Jaime pushed me off and the girl started giggling. "What the hell, Vic?!" The girl held her stomach, laughing. "I didn't realize you were a homo!" She laughed, kissed his cheek, and then left.

Jaime looked at me. "I will call you a cab." He huffed and I rejoiced. I giggled. "Thanks." I said and sat back at the bar stool.


I stumbled into Ana's bedroom. She was on her laptop, watching videos of some sort. The light was off. I took off my jeans and jacket and climbed into bed with her. She was really warm, so I snuggled my head into her neck. She smelled like outside and vanilla.

I kissed her neck. "Y'know, I really love you, Ana." She sighed in frustration. I don't think that's an answer, exactly. I gently bit her neck and she squeaked, falling off the bed, onto the floor.

"You're drunk. Stop it."

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