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I was lying in bed, trying to sleep. I kept thinking about everything. Ana didn't take my virginity in high school. And honestly, I regret that decision a lot. Mike had told me that Ana was a slut, and I shouldn't hang out with her. That she'd just break my heart. But, I ended up getting my heart broken by the girl who did take it.

That week I cried my eyes out. I didn't eat. I didn't go to school. I even stopped rehearsing with my first band. Mike had gone to a school field trip to Paris. If my mom or dad found out, they'd beat my ass. I convinced them I was sick, so they let me stay home.

Ana was the one who came over.

I heard a knock at my door. I sniffled and didn't move. Whoever it was could leave. Ten minutes and three knocks later, I heard pebbles being thrown at my window. I groaned and got up. My head hurt from me crying so much. I opened the window and got hit in the head with a tiny rock. "Oww!" I screamed and looked down at the attacker. It was Ana. "My bad." She cringed. "Well it wasn't the tree's bad!"

Back then Ana's hair was still blonde. But she still had a little 'Rock n roll' in her. She had a piercing in her eyebrow and always wore leather. There she stood, in a muscle tee and her leather jacket, with ripped jeans and black combat boots. "Open the door, idiot!" She rolled her eyes and chewed her gum.

She walked away to the front of the house before I could say anything back. I opened the door with my blanket wrapped around me. "You look sad," she said. "Can I come in?" I nodded slowly.

She came in and pulled out a stack of papers from her shirt. My eyes went wide when she did that because I saw a peek of her lacy bra. "I don't like purses."


We ended talking for hours that night. The next weekend, she agreed on making up my shitty virginity-taking.

I realized hours had passed. I checked the time. It was four in the morning. I went to go check on Ana. Sure enough, there was a note on her pillow that said,

Hey Vicky, went out for a bit to get my mind off of things. You were sleeping. I didn't want to bother you. I love you and I'll be back soon.

Great. Ana could be anywhere right now. Sure enough, she called me a minute later. I heard loud music and Ana was crying. "V-Vic?" She had to yell over the loud music. "Darling, where are you?" I said in my best you're-so-annoying-but-I-love-you voice. "I-I-I'm at Fuse."


When I picked up Ana, she was in tears. Cameras flashed as I got out, held her hand and helped her in. "Hey, look, the whore's dating Vic this week!" Some girl yelled. Ana tried to go and hit her but I picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder. I put her in the passenger seat and shut ( and locked) her door.

When we got back to my house, Ana could barely walk. She stumbled in her high heels. I picked her up and carried her in. She quickly took her heels off and ran to the kitchen. She came back with a knife in her hands and started towards the bathroom. "Ana.." I started. She slammed the door shut and I heard her loud sobs. She was wasted for sure.

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