Chapter Twenty

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Scorpius Malfoy

Christmas Eve was turning out to be one of Scorpius's least favorite days. Ever. Not only was he stuck in an uncomfortable situation with two complete strangers, but he was forced to deal with the even stranger behavior of his father, Draco Malfoy.

Scorpius knew that Draco and Pansy had some romantic history, but they had picked up like they hadn't not seen each other in 20 years! Draco was acting like he hadn't even been married to Scorpius's mother, Astoria, for more than fifteen years! Scorpius was disgusted.

The tortuous evening continued, with Scorpius adding little to the conversation. Fay said all of but two words the whole evening. The conversation was mostly led by Draco and Pansy, who reminisced about their times together at Hogwarts.

Scorpius was not at all interested it what they had to say. Luckily, when they finished desert, Draco suggested that Scorpius take Fay and give her a tour of the house. Reluctantly, the two kids stood up from the table and left the room.

Once they were out of earshot, Fay gave a long sigh of relief. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "That was practically tortor."

"You're telling me," Scorpius said, making a big effort of rolling his eyes. "My father is a disgusting prick."

"Well, my mom is basically just a whore." Fay said, which left Scorpius with quite a shocked expression on his face. "Oh don't look so shocked," Fay continued. "You know it's true."

Scorpius nodded his head slightly. "I guess you're right. I've heard stories from some of my father's old mates from school. I'm pretty sure all of them had hooked up with your mom at at least one point."

Fay chuckled. "That doesn't surprise me one bit. Honestly, I'm surprised I don't have any siblings, if you know what I mean." She winked.

Scorpius couldn't help but laugh. He liked Fay. She seemed like a funny person.

"Come on," she said, "Let's go get some wine from the kitchen and go drink our sorrows away."


After a very secretive excretion to the kitchen, Scorpius and Fay had the their wine. They went up to Draco's study on the second floor. Scorpius sat on the desk, as a form of rebellion, while Fay perched herself on the window seat overlooking the grounds.

They spent their better part of the evening drinking in complete silence, which wasn't as awkward as people might believe. However; the silence was broke by Fay who gave off a long sigh.

"Penny for your thoughts?" questioned Scorpius, wanting to start any form of a conversation.

"I was just thinking about my boyfriend, Daniel. I was supposed to spend Christmas Eve with him until my stupid mother brought me here instead. No offense to you, but I'd much rather be spending time with him," she sighed again.

Scorpius took another sip of his drink. "I totally understand."

"You've got a girlfriend? Or boyfriend depending on if you swing that way?"

Scorpius chuckled. "Girlfriend,"

Fay smiled. "She go to Hogwarts with us?"

"Yes. She's Rose Weasley,"

Fay cluted her tongue. "That's a wild ambition, Malfoy. Your father know you're with her?"

"Not exactly..." Scorpius trailed off as Fay gave him a knowing look.

"You might want to think about getting on that, young one," Fay said, taking a sip and pointing at him knowingly.

Scorpius sighed. "I know,"

Rose Weasley

Christmas morning was always the same at the Weasley household and had been ever since Rose could remember. The whole family would wake up and head downstair to make a large breakfast, with everyone pitching in. Then came time to open up gifts. After that, the family lounged around in their pj's enjoying their new gifts. When it came time to start getting ready for guests or to go to someone's house, the family would get dressed and start preparing. This Christmas was no exception.

Rose was the last one downstairs, her mom, dad, Hugo and Louis already making Christmas breakfast.

"Merry Christmas darling," said Hermione coming over to Rose and engulfing her in a hug.

"Merry Christmas mum," said Rose, returning the hug. She then went around hugging the rest of her family, much to Hugo's dismay. After that, Rose went to her job of making hot drinks to go along with breakfast, such as coffee, hot chocolate, and some tea.

Pretty soon the whole meal was ready and the family sat around the table and devoured it. Then came time to open presents.

The Weasley's sat around the tree and exchanged all of their gifts. Rose was pleased and grateful with all of her presents. She was even more pleased to find a little something from Scorpius hidden underneath the tree. She opened it up, secretly away from her family, and gasped when she found a beautiful necklace with a rose on it. Inside the box was a little note:

To my beautiful Rose

Merry Christmas



Rose couldn't help but to smile. She needed to remember to thank him when she saw him next.

The day passed too slowly to Rose's liking. She was dying for her cousins to start arriving, especially Lily and Albus so she could tell them the exciting news. Scorpius and her had decided to only tell a few people they trusted about their relationship. Which mainly meant Lily and Albus. Rose wasn't even sure she should tell Jo, what with the way she was acting as of recently. However; she could not wait for Lily and Albus to show up.

At around 6 o'clock, they did. 

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