Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Scorpius Malfoy

Scorpius and Albus followed McGonagall's messenger boy to her office. They were met outside it by James and Lily, who were obviously there to see Harry. The boy said the password and Scorpius and the Potters followed him up to the Headmistress's office.

The boy knocked on her office door and after hearing a "Come in," from the other side, opened it, allowing everyone to walk in. Lily raced into the room and threw herself at her father, who had just stood up out of a chair in front of McGonagall's desk.

Harry Potter looked just as he always did when Scorpius had come to stay during the holidays. His black hair was disheveled, with a few gray bits showing here and there. He always seemed to wear a devious grin on his face, his green eyes shining. He wrapped his arms around his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug. Scorpius heard him whisper a few things into her ear, before coming over to Albus and James and giving them hugs. Then he turned to Scorpius and pulled him into a hug.

"It's good to see you, my boy," Harry said, patting Scorpius on the back.

"It's good to see you too sir," said Scorpius, smiling. He'd always liked Harry. Harry had never made him feel awful for being a Malfoy and seemed to dismiss all the things that happened during the war and before. Harry held no prejudice which Scorpius really admired.

Harry stepped aside, revealing Draco Malfoy standing, a little awkwardly behind them. Scorpius stared at Draco, as Draco stared back at him. Neither one really knew who should start talking first.

"Hey dad," Scorpius said, finally giving some form of an introduction.

"Scorpius," Draco nodded curtly at Scorpius which made Scorpius's blood run cold. He hated how he had this relationship with his father, both unable to have a decent conversation with each other, both so distant. It didn't used to be that way. When Scorpius was younger, Draco had been his favorite person in the world. Scorpius wanted nothing more than to be just like his old man when he grew up. When had that changed?

"Well," said Professor McGonagall, clearing her throat after the awkward silence had ensued. "I just wanted you kids to get a chance to see your fathers. Now why don't you head down to dinner?"

Scorpius followed the Potters out the door, not bothering to look back at his father as he left.

Rose Weasley

"You don't think this is too much?" Rose said, twirling around in the white dress she wore. It was Saturday night, a little bit before Rose's date with Scorpius. She was currently in her dorm room with Flora, Jo, and Lily.

Rose had decided to try and be friends with Jo again, even after how dumb she'd been acting lately. She realized they had been through too much together to break up their friendship over something so silly So, she had called her three best friends, Flora, Jo and Lily to help her pick out an outfit for her date with Scorpius.

"Not at all," said Lily, examining Rose as she twirled. Rose wore a danity little white flowy dress, with long princess sleeves. She'd thought since she technically didn't have to be in uniform when she went and saw Scorpius, that she would dress up a bit. Her curly red hair flew in loose ringlets down her shoulders and back. And she had allowed Lily to put on a bit of makeup on her, but nothing as outrageous as the makeup she'd worn to the party where Blaine kissed her.

"You look gorgeous Rosie," said Jo, giving her a big smile.

"Absolutely," Flora agreed, "Scorpius is going to flip when he sees you."

Rose smiled to herself. She felt pretty. It was rare that she got dressed up for something, for most of the time she was in her school uniform, but she wanted to today. She glanced towards the clock on her nightstand. "Well, I'd better go," she said, grabbing her wand.

"Have fun," her friends chorused, as she left the room.

"Use protection," she heard Lily shout, before she'd shut the door. Rose rolled her eyes, but smiled anyways.

Scorpius and Rose had this thing of using old, empty classrooms for their date locations. Ever since the night they had shared their first kiss together in an empty classroom, it had sort of become their thing.

Rose made her way out into the Ravenclaw common room, where she found Scorpius, sitting on one of the purple couch. She decided to surprise him, so she crept up behind him, then sneakily went to put her face next to his left cheek and gave him a small kiss. He jumped a little, then turned to look at her, a huge smile on his face.

Rose came and sat down next to him, taking his hand in hers and placing them on her lap. "Hello," she said, grinning at him.

"Hello gorgeous," Scorpius said, drawing out the comment in his deep, sexy voice. Scorpius had also decided to dress up a bit. He wore a pair of skinny, black jeans and a white button up shirt. He'd thrown a forest green sweater vest over the top of it. He didn't have a bowtie or anything, so his white shirt was unbuttoned, showing off a bit of his chest which Rose found incredibly distracting. His blonde hair was messy, but not like I just got out of bed messy but more like I didn't do anything to my hair yet I still look like a sex god messy. He also smelled wonderful.

"Is it annoying that all I want to do with you right now is make out?" Rose asked, after she'd taken him all in.

"No," Scorpius said, leaning closer to her, "It's actually incredibly sexy," he said before kissing her fiercely. Like all of Scorpius's kisses, this one was electric, but there was something else. A sort of urgency, or hunger even.

When they pulled apart, both a little breathless, they sheepishly smiled at each other. "Come on," Scorpius said, "Let's get out of here." Scorpius took Rose's hand and they raced out of the common room door. Rose suddenly realized, that she would go anywhere with this boy.

They ran around the castle for a little while, not really sure of a destination, just glad to be in each other's company. They eventually, after much fooling around on castle walls and bumping into each other to make each other fall over, they found an empty classroom.

Scorpius's teasingly shut the door behind them, then pulled Rose close to him, both of them leaning against the closed door. Scorpius wrapped his arms around Rose's waist and instincly Rose wrapped her arms around Scorpius's neck and started playing with his hair.

Scorpius leaned his head down, so his forehead was touching Rose's. "Did I ever tell you you look beautiful tonight?" he whispered, his breath warm on Rose's face.

Rose felt a little shiver go down her spin. "You said, 'hello gorgeous' and then we made out, remember?" she said, smirking up at him.

"Oh right," Scorpius said, mischief in his eyes, "We should get back to that, don't you think?" His lips were now dangerously close to Rose's.

"I couldn't agree more." Rose crashed her lips onto Scorpius's. Scorpius immediately kissed Rose back, pulling her body closer into his, if that was even possible. Scorpius pushed them away from the door and Rose wrapped her legs around Scorpius waist, lips still locked. Scorpius carried her over to a desk, gently setting down on top of it.

They continued to be locked into an embrace. Rose loved the taste of Scorpius's lips and the way they felt against hers. Each time she kissed him, it felt like home, like they'd been doing this forever. But then at the same time, it was like each time was new adventure. She didn't know what was coming next. All she did know was that she wanted more.

Rose reached for the bottom of Scorpius's sweater vest and pulled it up over his head. Scorpius pulled away. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, concern in his eyes, but also a glimmer of hope.

"One hundred percent," Rose said, giving Scorpius a small kiss. Scorpius smiled at her, before pulling her close to him again, kissing her with just as much passion as before. Rose pulled back after a minute, and started unbuttoning Scorpius shirt. Scorpius couldn't take his eyes off of Rose, a smile on his face the whole time. He would gently kiss her forehead every now and then.

Rose ripped off Scorpius's shirt then grabbed his neck, bringing his lips towards hers. Scorpius's hands were in Rose's hair, which Rose absolutely loved.

The room was completely dark, so they had a little trouble seeing, but they didn't care. Scorpius's hands were just about to pull off Rose's dress, when the room wasn't so dark anymore. The two jumped apart from each other and turned towards the door. Standing in the doorway, was Harry freaking Potter. 

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