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"I love you" I smiled pulling away from his lips. He had a way of putting a smile on my face with just his presence.

"I love you too baby" he smiled biting my lips.

"When are you going to show me off? I'm tired of people not knowing we're together" I complained as sat up in his lap. We we're currently in his car parked up a few blocks from my school.

"Soon baby, relax, you know I can't do that yet"

"Whatever, I'm going to be late" I rolled my eyes getting out of his car and walked across the street to mine. He thinks this is game and I don't like to be played.


"Nigga where my food?" Sean asked walking up to my locker. I laughed shaking my head as I threw some notebooks in my locker I didn't need then closed it.

"Nigga I ain't buy you shit"

"I see how it is, new shawty come along and you forget about a nigga" I swear this nigga was a clown.

"Nah you know your my dawg for life"

"Yo Rich told me this morning he saw your sister with that nigga Jordan yesterday"

"I'ma handle that nigga and I wanted to fuck that girl up yesterday, come home smelling like a nigga and shit"

"Lil sis wildin' out yo" he shook his head as we walked to our Physics class. I walked in and saw Ameenah talking to the teacher. This was the only class I came on time to because it was my first class. Ameenah stopped talking to the teacher and made her way to a table in the back. I was about sit next to her but Sean slid over the lab table and sat next her.

"Hey Ameenah" he smiled putting his arms around her.


"Damn that dry ass high" he smacked his teeth and playfully pushed her away from him.

"Move yo" I laugh pushing him out of the stool and sat next to her.

"Sean instead of harassing the girl, I suggest you study for your pop quiz" Ms. Hall said from behind her desk.

"If it's a pop quiz why you tell me"

"I could tell you a week in advance and your behind still wouldn't study now be quiet"

"When does class start" Ameenah asked right before the bell rang.

"Right now" I smirked pulling my things out of my book bag.


"Wassup I'm Jordan" a cute brown skin boy smiled sitting at the lunch table I was at. No one I knew was in the cafeteria yet so I was by myself until he came.

"Ameenah" I smiled looking down at my lunch. They had pizza with tater tots and some vegetables.

"You gotta be new because I've--" he started but Symone walked over grabbing my hand and my lunch tray. I didn't protest as she dragged me to another table. I turned around shooting Jordan an apologetic smile.

"Don't talk to him" Symone said as she sat down next to me.

"He seems nice" I shrugged not knowing what was so bad about him.

"Yeah seems. He does the nice guy act with girls and then sleeps with them and never call them again"

"What an asshole" I frowned turning around and looking at the table where I left Jordan but he was long gone.

"Who's an asshole?" Aaleeyah asked as she sat down across from us at the table.

"Jordan" Symone answered causing Aaleeyah to roll her eyes.

"You mean the walking STD" she laughed shaking her head.

"He was trying to talk to Ameenah"

"Girl I'm sleep, why he still try? Nigga not even that cute for real" Aaleeyah laughed taking a bite out of the sandwich she brought from home.

"Who not cute? I know y'all can't be talking bout me" Sean smiled sitting down at the table. Paula, Xiomara and Marcus followed behind him and took a seat at the table. I looked around and saw Toni-Ann sitting at another table talking to some guy.

"Mind your business nigga" Symone said.

"Toni doesn't sit over here?" I asked turning back to the table.

"She usually does, fuck she talking to that clown for" Marcus said rolling his eyes.

"Maybe she likes him stop being so over protective" Xiomara said kissing his lips.

"Where's Jesse dumb ass, he gon be mad when they start putting out the nastier stuff to eat" Aaleeyah laughed finishing her food.

"Oh shit I was suppose to go meet the counselor on my lunch period, who wants my lu--" I didn't even get my full question out and Marcus snatched up my tray and start eating my untouched food.

"I'll see y'all" I laughed before getting up and leaving. I pulled out the map and saw the counselors office was on the first floor and I was on the fourth. I got the the stair well and was Jesse arguing with some girl who looked to be a freshman.

"Who was you with yesterday" he asked getting in her face.

"Milagros and Karli" she said looking like she wanted to cry. I wondered who she was to him. I hoped he wasn't messing around with a girl, especially if she was a freshman.

"Heard you was with that nigga Jordan"

Jordan? He looked to old to be messing with a girl that looked to be that young.

Whatever they were talking about wasn't my business so I continued to walk so I could pass them and go down the steps. I gave him a small smile but didn't stop walking. I didn't make it far when I felt his presence walking next to me.

"Where you bout to go?" He asked shooting the young girl a look as she scurried off.

"Counselors office, who was that?" I asked letting my curiosity get the best of me.

"Nosey ass but that was my little sister Siona" he said, I nodded my head taking in the information.

"She's pretty"

"She's acting like a hoe" he mumbled making me punch him in his arm.

"Don't say that, that's your little sister" I frowned at him and looked up seeing I was close to the counselor office.

"My fault, she getting herself into dumb shit though"

"Send her to my parents, I'm sure she'll be crying to come back with an attitude change" I laughed as I opened the door to the counselors office. I said goodbye to him and walked in ready to get this over with.


Who is Toni-ann messing around with?

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