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The hospital room door opened and in walked Aaleeyah. I saw the look on her face and knew Dontavian must have said something to her.

"You got a lot of explaining to do?" She started not even stopping to greet me or ask how I'm doing.

"Dontavian told you" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah I almost had to choke it out of his ass. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm was feeling guilty and just wanted to forget. I was in the moment and I didn't stop it after a while."

"So you just lost all your morals and let Jesse go down on you? What the hell Ameenah?" Aaleeyah shook her.

"Aaleeyah...It was a mistake and now Clyde doesn't want anything to do with me. I've tried talking to him but he acts as if he doesn't see my calls"

"Girl I love you but you're such a hypocrite sometimes"


"You gave Jesse hell for talking to Kortnee and you were mad when he even breathed near her and then you go and do the same thing to Clyde but worse."

"You don't think I feel bad?" I sniffed.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad but stop playing victim all the time. You do your wrongs and expect people to forgive you but when they do something your done"

"Clyde won't even answer my calls" I looked down fiddling with my phone. I kept checking my phone thinking he would reply but I knew by now he probably blocked me.

"Why should he? Let him cool off, if he talks to you now he might hurt your feelings" she said giving me a look. Deep down I knew she was right so I didn't say much about it.

"Your supposed to be on my side"

"No that's what a fake bitch would do, if you wrong I'ma tell you that you wrong, I'm still rocking with you at the end of the day" she said.

"I know and I appreciate you for that"

"I know you do babe and your friend Mikayla was here for a while. I think she went back to her hotel" she informed me making me smile. I knew no matter what Mikayla would always have my back.

"Awww where's Symone and Toni?" I asked and she instantly got a look on her face.

"Do you need more pillows or blankets? Are you comfortable?" She asked trying to change the topic.


"They had to give Toni and emergency C-section and the baby is the ICU. Toni's coded twice but she seems to be a little bit more stable" she explained. I covered my mouth not knowing what to say.

"What about Symone?" I asked afraid of her answer.

"She fine but they had to amputate one of her legs and she got burned badly."

"Oh my gosh" I gasped.

"Everyone's just been in a bad mood, now that your awake and talking, the police want to speak to you" she explained.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because of the accident and I think Symone said something about Toni. The driver in the car died Ameenah, that could mean jail time"


Leaning forward on the sink I took a deep breath before grabbing my pill bottle. I popped the pills in my mouth and closed my eyes trying to relax.

"You okay sweetie?" My mom asked walking into my room.

"I'm fine" mumbled turning the faucet on and washing my face.

"You came in here looking upset, I haven't seen you like that in a while. You talking your medications on a regular right?"

"Yes I'm fine, you don't have to keep worrying" I said getting annoyed.

"I'm just worried about you, I know how you get when your angry and want to make sure everything is okay"

"After all the things I've been through you should be happy I'm not all the way messed up in the head" I rolled my eyes before standing up straight.

"Clyde don't act like that"

"You still think I'm unstable? Is that why you gave me a room far away from everyone else"

"Clyde I love you but you know how you can get. The state wanted to take you away or at least all the other kids away because they didn't think you were stable enough to be around people. I reassured them that you were fine and that you're in control of this. I know it annoys you but I'm on your back about this because I don't want anything to happen to you. You're considered a minority to these people Clyde. Police will come in here and they won't hesitate to take you from me and I'll be damned if I sit here and let that happen" she looked on the verge of tears. I walked over to her and hugged her so she wouldn't start that ugly ass cry she always did.

"I love you mama" I whispered.


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