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"There's this guy but..."

"But what?" I looked up at Symone waiting for her to finish what she was saying.

"You probably don't want to hear about my guy problems" Symone said getting up from my bed.

"Yes I do, talk me like you did before the party incident" I frowned. Everyone was treating me differently after what happened, I didn't want anyone's pity.

"I just figured you wouldn't want to, you've been depressed and your mood swings are crazy"

"I'm tired of everyone walking on eggshells around me, treating me differently, bitches at school who don't like me are being nice" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine I'm sorry, I'll act normal around you but you don't make it easy. You walk around here looking so hurt and it hurts me that I can't do shit about it" she admitted with her voice cracking.

"Thank you, can I tell you something but you can't say anything to anyone else" I warned waiting for her agreement.

"You can tell me anything Tone and of course I won't say anything" she promised making herself comfortable on my bed.

"I'm pregnant" I revealed.

"What?! Who..how?" she stammered trying to find the right thing to ask.

"Only Grandma knows, I didn't know what to do, it's not too late for an abortion but I'm scared" I confessed pulling my knees to my chin.

"Do you know who the father is?"

"No, if I decide to keep the baby then I have to wait until after its born to have a DNA test. I don't think I can do this, everyone already thinks I'm the dumb twin who won't make it anywhere" I said feeling my mood drop. I hadn't told anyone else about this so Toni was the first. At first I was thinking that I was strong enough but saying it out loud to someone else made me want to crawl back up in my room and not talk to anyone.

"Don't get an abortion"

"I don't know if I could deal with having a child with a rapist for a father"

"Toni I know you and if you abort this baby then you're going to drive yourself crazy"

"I feel like that's gonna happen whether or not I have this baby. Mama Nita wants me to abort it" I mumbled. All of a sudden I was back to where I was a few weeks, I started to feel down and didn't want to talk anymore.

"Toni don't close me out please" Symone begged when she noticed my expression.

"I just want to be alone" I whispered turning over in my bed. I threw the covers over me and laid down with my mind in over drive.


"Ameenah your friend is at the door" Mama Nita said walking into my room, she didn't even bother knocking which is what annoyed. Jesse and I were up in my room practicing problems for Calculus.

"Friend?" I asked wondering who was at the door.

"Yeah come down here, next time you got somebody coming you wait for them by the door because I'm too old to be going up and down these steps only to open the door to your little friends." She argued before walking off, going into her bedroom.

"Who you got coming over here? Aaleeyah?" Jesse asked still laughing a little bit.

"I didn't make any plans so whoever is here gotta go" I said before standing up to leave. I fixed my shorts which had rode up before leaving my room. I went down the step quickly and jumped off the last three going towards the front door. I was surprised to see Dontavian standing there.

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