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Let there be drama 😊😊


"This shit is your fault" I heard what sounded like my father voice yell. My entire body was in pain and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. The smell of medicine and bleach was strong.

"My fault? You're the one who sent her out here and disowned her"

"And I don't recall hearing you oppose to anything I said or did" my father voice boomed again.

"Will I'm so sick and tired of you, I don't know why I stuck around this long"

"No one kept you around, you can leave but you're not taking my daughter"

"Oh so now she's your daughter and you want her? Weren't you the one who tried to get me to abort her? Pregnant and all you beat my ass because of shit that I didn't do. All I've done is try to love you and care for you but you're too selfish"


"Watch your mouth when you're talking to me woman"

"I want a divorce" my mother voice said before a door was slammed.


"Hey I don't want no drama in this damn hospital room, Jesse you've been here all night maybe you should go home and get some rest. Clyde you can stay for a while, I need to go check on Toni and Symone." Mama Nita's voice said before I heard a door close.

"So you her boyfriend now or some shit?" Jesse's voice said. I wish I could get up and say something but I couldn't.

"Don't worry about all that" Clyde responded.

"Whatever y'all got going on ain't gon last long" Jesse replied.

"Whatever y'all had going on clearly ain't last so don't worry about me nigga"

"Fuck you even here for?"

"Her grandmother called me" Clyde said and I could imagine him smirking.

"I know y'all niggas not in here arguing, the doctor said she could hear everything" Dontavian's voice suddenly came out of nowhere in the room.

"I don't argue with bitches" Jesse said.

"I don't either, you always got some slick shit to say nigga so wassup"

"I guess my mouth still slick from Ameenah the other day" Jesse shot back. I tried getting up to say something but nothing happened. It was as if I was paralyzed.

"Chill out with that shit" Dontavian said trying to resolve the situation.

"You a lying ass nigga, she don't want no nigga that lies on his dick" Clyde laughed.

"Oh forreal cause it seemed like she wanted me the other day when her legs was wrapped around my head" Jesse said then I heard all hell break loose.

My eyes fluttered opening and slowly adjusted to the light around me. I groaned and turned my head noticing Clyde was sitting next to my bed staring at me. He had a cut above her right brow and his knuckles looked sore.

"Oh great your awake, you were out for a few days" a nurse said coming into my room. I tried sitting up but that resulted in pain so I stopped.

"Can you speak?" She asked writing something on the chart in front of her.

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