Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Annebelle. I go by lots of nick-names. Like Anne, Annie, Belle , Bellie, AB, ect. If it has to do with my name I will answer. Anyway, when I was 13 almost 14 I was on my way back home from a baseball game. When me, my brother (Chase), and my parents stopped at a gas station. Well, when I heard my door open I thought it was my parents. Well I thought wrong. I was dragged out of the car. When I looked in the car Chase was asleep and my parents were inside the gas station. Then I felt a cloth go over my mouth and I was out. Once I woke up, I felt jet-lagged. I was in a different bed-room then I am in. When I sat up a man came in. "Ahhhhhh. Good! Your up!" He said. "Where am I?" I asked. "Well, I adopted you. With out paying and signing papers." He told me. "Doesn't that mean you kidnapped me?" I asked. "Yes, but to my wife i adopted you. And you better go along with the story or I will kill you. Got it?" He said. I nodded. "Good!" And with that he left the room. And all that happened on a hot summer day. 5 years ago. Here I am. 18 now. And is "adopted" by people I hate the most!


Hellooooooo! Im Cassie. First book on here! Woop! I thought of the idea on the way home from a baseball game lol! It was the Phillies vs the Pirates. And it was 3-1 Phillies! Man..... Anyway i hope u liked it!

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