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I was in my room just listening to music and reading a book. I can multitask awesomely! I can sing the right words to a song while I read. Its so cool! When I was in the middle of reading Tori came into my room. I looked at the time and it was 12:37am. THEIR DATE!?!?!? Its over. "Tell me everything girl!" I said. She explained what they did on the date. "And...... We were at the door...... And.... We kissed...." She told me with a guffy grin. "OHMYGOD! NO WAY!" I screamed. "Ya. And he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." She told me like its all normal. "OHMYGOD! Now I have a reason to wear this." I said and pulled out a t-shirt with Tori and Harry on it with the name 'TARRY' on the front. "Really? You made a t-shirt for us? Wow. U must really ship us." Tori said Shockley. "The best part is the back." I said and turned it around. It had a baby and said the future Tarry Stones! "Oh my gosh. Why?!?!" "Because its awesome. Im going to Harry." "WHY!?!?!" "To give him his t-shirt. What you thought I made only one? Hahahahahaha." I said leaving the room with a stack of t-shirts. I went downstairs to the gaming room. I saw all the boys there. "Hello boys!" I said plopping down next to Harry. "Hello Annie-Candy. What do you have there?" Harry asked. "Oh just t-shirts I made. Want one?" I asked with a smile trying to hide my smirk. "Sure." Harry told me. I handed him a t-shirt. He unfolded it and then was laughing. "Whats up Hazza?" Lou asked. "Annebelles t-shirts are funny!" He said in between laughter. I got up and handed a t-shirt to each boy. They looked at it and started laughing. "If you like the front you will love the back!" I said this time with a smirk. The boys turned it around and started laughing. Harry just started blushing. "Ohhhhh his blushing!" I gushed whole pinching his cheek. I think we will have a fun time together living together!


Helloooooooo! Sorry i havent updated in a wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeeee! But here i updated right now because im bored and not tired. Hope u like it. I promise that i will update later today when i have time ok? Good! Well stay beautiful lovlies!


Hidden from the light (A One Direction Fanfic)~COMPLETE~Where stories live. Discover now