Chapter 22

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"Annebelle..... Wake up.......Wake up....." I heard. I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around my room to clear my vison. When it was clear I looked and ther was Liam. He brought me Breakfest in bed. How sweet. I think I might like him. "Good morning Annie." Liam said giving me my breakfest.  I started to eat it. It was good. "Have you thought of it?" Liam said sitting on my bed with once again hope in his eyes. I just finished my breakfest. I motioned Liam to come closer. He did what I motioned him to do. His hand brushed against mine and I felt little spark. I think Im falling for Liam. 


I came closer to Annebelle. I brushed my hand against hers and i felt a little spark. I hope she feels the same way. I know Im falling for her. Well I think I am.  After what happened with Dani I dont know if I would love again. She looked into my eyes. God I love her eyes. They are as blue as the ocean. And right now they have that sparkle they always have when she is happy. We spent there just staring at eachother. Then she spoke for the  first time in a couple minutes. "Yes........" She said. "Yes I will go out with you." Annebelle told me with a smile. YES! I was so happy I hugged her tight. I let go then I went take her dishes downstairs. I was in the door way. "Make sure your ready for tonight. I have something plained." I said and went downstairs. I put the dishes away in the dishwasher and turned around. I headed to the livingroom where all the boys are sitting watching tv. They heard me come in and looked at me. I took a seat on the love seat with Zayn. "Why are you so smiley Liam?" Harry asked. "I asked out Annebelle last night and this morning she said yes." I said. Im right now smileing from earr to ear. "Congrats." All the boys said. But there was just one voice that didnt say it. It was an Irish voice. Niall just walked out of the room to somewhere in the house. Whats up with him?


Hellooooo. Chapter 22 is here! yay! well how was it? Stay beautiful lovlies!


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