Chapter 14

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Us girls went back to my room. We might have stomped on the way to make them think we are mad. When we got to my room and shut the door and lock it. We just bursted into laughter. We got the make-up off and one by one took a shower. I took out my guitar and put the other one away. When we were all done we heard screaming. We went out of the room and saw Zayn and Louis panicking. "Lou, Zee, whats wrong?" I asked. "My hair products are missing." Zayn said. "My carrots,strip shirts, red pants, TOMS, AND KEVIN IS GONE!" Louis said bitting his nails. Wow. Harry came downstairs with wet hair. I looked at the girls. They nodded. "EVERYONE DOWN STAIRS!" I screamed. Niall and Liam came. Me and the girls just started laughing. "Whats so funny?" Harry asked. "Thats you thought Louis and Zayn did it!" I said laughing more. They looked confused. I went to my room and brought out my guitar and the broken one. I went downstairs and showed them. "Wha...?" They said. "GOT YA!" Me and the girls said at te same time laughing. "So wheres the food?" "And my stuff?" "And my hair products?" Niall Louis and Zayn asked. Perrie went to get the hair products. I got the food. El got Louis's stuff. We came back. I handed Niall a sandwich. He smiled and took a bite with a haply face. I just chuckled shaking my head. "So how did you come up with all this without Louis?" Harry asked. "Oh my good friend Harold. You dont know how my brain works." I said with a smirk. "We should go shopping!" Perrie said to me. The rest of the girls nodded there heads. "Shopping it is!" I said acting like superman running up to my room.


Hello! How was it? I hope you like it! Well stay beautiful lovlies!


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