Chapter 13

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It's 11:30 right now. I asked before if Tori and Shay can sleepover. Which they can. El and Perrie said they wanted some girl time. We were all in my room thinking when was a good idea to get the boys. "I think when the are fast asleep so they dont know what we are doing nor wake them up." Tori suggested. "Ok. El, Perrie? Do know when that is?" I asked writing everything down because Im bored and dont want to just talk. "Like around 1-1:30 am but sometimes Niall and Liam are up either singing, playing a guitar, on twitter, or twitcaming." Perrie was thinking. "Ok are plan is when its 1:30 we go and prank them. Me and Shay will check Niall and Liam to see if their asleep. Sound like a plan?" I asked explaining. Everyone just said a simple yup.

We waited for a long time but its now 1:29 so we are heading out to get the stuff we need and to get reading for pranking. Since Liam and Niall is across each other and Niall is next to my room we were there in seconds. I opened Nialls door slowly but quietly. I heard snoring and saw him asleep. I close the door with out making a noise. I turn and see Shay closing Liams door. I gave her a thumbs up for saying Nialls asleep. She returned it and we headed for the kitchen. Since we both have to be in the kitchen to do our work we were partners. I went and grabbed bags and put the food in there. When I was here the whole time I went looking around the house. I found spots were people could not find. Other rooms. And other stuff. Im putting the food in a spot were no one can find it and thats is cold. When I finished that I went to my room. We are supposed to meet there when we are done. I got there and saw El and Shay talking. My idea to prank me is to "ruin" my guitar and hair. Im going to take lots of hair gel and spray and mess it up. I also bought another guitar that is broken that looks like mine. I just have to hide my guitar and break this one even more and BAM Im "pranked". When I walked in the room with gel and spray everyone was here. "Ok we need LOTS of spray and gel to mess our hair up. Also why dont we take our make-up and put it all over our faces?" I asked. They nodded and went to work. When we finished we looked terrible and like we got pranked. On our foreheads we put means things with lip stick or eyeliner. We went to bed to get ready for screaming in the morning.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I jumped up when I heard screaming. I started smirking. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SP-Sp-Sp-SPOONS!" I heard. I started laughing. I woke up the girl. "Ok we will all scream at the same time for like bloody murder and run down stairs acting mad. Ok?" I said picking up "my" guitar. They nodded. "One, Two, THRee. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" We screamed at the same time. We were almost running. I had the guitar in my hand. When we got there we saw Liam Zayn and Louis. They looked at us and was shocked but fought the laughs and giggles. Next thing we know Harry and Niall came down. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?" I asked "mad" trying to hide my smile. "What do you mean "we"?" Louis asked with sass. "No tile for sassing Tomlinson! Some one BROKE MY GUITAR!" I said screaming the last part. I hold up the guitar for them to see. "And look at out faces and hair!" Perrie and El said at the same time. Niall went into the kitchen. I waited until "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Coming from the kitchen. Niall came running in. "WERE IS THE FOOD? THERE IS ONLY VEGIMITE!" Niall said sad and mad at the same time. "I woke up with straight hair!" Harry exclaimed. "There were sp-sp-sp-spoons in my room." Liam said. Then we looked at Louis and Zayn. "What?" They said at the same time. "Well everyone got pranked except you guys." I said crossing my arms.


Sorry didnt update earlier. Forgive me. I havent been to my computer cuz i have been with friends. Oh and just to tell you im going on vacation saturday but i will try to update. I might go on my moms ipad mini. Im right now updateing all this from my ipod not computer. Well stay beautiful lovlies! 


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