Chapter 4

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"Your from America?" Niall asked. "Ya." Duh I dont have an accent so Im from America. I said sarcastically to myself. They just nodded letting all the infomation sink in them. Then the door opened up. The doctor came in looking at his clipboard. The nurse cam in aswell. "Ok Annebelle, You are free to go. You can sign here here here here and here." He told me pointing where to sign. When I finished. He said thank you and the nurse took the wires and needles out of my arm. When they left I looked at the boys. Wait a minute. I dont have a home or a ticket to the US or have a pass book or have a phone! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I said to myself. The boys looked at my weirdly. "Are you ok Annebelle?" Zayn asked. "No." I said to him. "Whats wrong?" Liam asked sitting on the hospital bed. "I dont have a home. Or a phone. I dont have a ticket to the States or a passbook for that matter." I said looking at my hands wondering what am I going to do. I looked up seeing the boys with big stupid grins. "What?" I asked confused. Louis looked at them then screamed. 'YOU CAN COME LIVE WITH US!!!!!!!" Man if im near that boy any longer Im going to need a hearingaid. WAIT! Did he just say live with them???! "Did you say live with you guys?" I said speacking my mind. I tend to do that alot. "Yep! So what do you say?" Louis asked jumping up and down. Ok who gave him candy? I asked myself. Hum..... Live on the streets or live with 5 boys I dont even know. Well lets hope the house is better than the streets...... "Ok I will live with you guys." I said with a smile. "YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" Louis said jumping every. "Ok who gave him candy?" I asked speaking my mind again. I need to really stop that. "No thats how he is in gerneral." Liam explained. Ohboy............ 


Hello. How are you? Well ik i havent updated in a while but here u go. if u like u may tell me what should happen next i would love suggestns (Thats spelled wrong) and there might be a little contest. who knows haha. well bye. Stay beautiful Lovlies!

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