Chapter 17

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We came back home. We walked in. We saw the boy sitting there watching a movie. I go up to Harry. "Harry?" I asked. He looked up. "Ya?" He said putting his phone back into his pocket. "Can I talk to you in my room alone?" I asked. "Ya." He said getting up following me. 


Oh no. I bet she likes me so she wants to tell me her fellings. I dont want to break her heart! Shes like a sister to me. Im just not interested in her like that. We got to her room. I sat on her bed. "So......" I said. Well its akward. "Who do you like?" she said looking into my eyes. "What?" I asked. "WHo do you like? I want to know." She told me. Looks like I have to tell her. "Im sorry Annebelle but I like someone else. I think of you as my friend." I said.


 "Im sorry Annebelle but I like someone else. I think of you as my friend." Harry said. What? Wait! He thinks I Annebelle likes him like that?! Oh no..... "No Harry. I dont like you like that. I think you as a fun brother." I said. "Oh. So you dont have feelings for me?" He asked. I shocke my head.. "Thank God..." He said. Wait? He said he likes someone else so.....HE DOES LIKE SOMEONE OMG! "So. Since you said you like someone else who is it? Come on. I am a sister to you. Brothers tell sisters everything." I said. He looked down and said something I couldnt hear. "What was that? I couldnt hear that." I said. "Tori......" He whispered. OMG HE LIKES HER BACK! LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! AHHHHH..............


Hey. heres the update. maybe one or two more. before i go to bed. wel stay beautiful lovlies! 


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