Chapter 3

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When I woke up. My eyes needed to ajust to the light. When I could see I saw two boys in here. They looked like they were in there early 20s. "Hello?" I asked. "Shes up!" The one with the buzz hair cut. He ran out to get a docter or a nurse I think because Im pretty sure Im in a hospital. And I was correct. He came back in with a two nurses and a docter. "Ello Miss. How are you feeling." I knowdess that he has a british accent. weird. "I have a head ache and my thigh hurts." I told him. He nidded his head and wrote it down on his clipboard. "Miss whats your name?" he asked me. Should I tell him my real name or the fake name that evil horrible man gave me? real. "Annebelle Lila Brooks." I told the docter. "Well Annebelle, how did you get stabbed?" he asked me. then everything came back in my brain. The baseball game how they lost.The gas station. The kidnapping. The threats. About 4 years hidden away from people. When he killed his wife. When he came after me and did his work. When I ran and he stabbed me. When I ran and and bumped into something and blacked out. "Well it started about 4 years ago......." I said trailling off. "Go ahead miss." he said ready to write. When I was about to start 5 boys came in. 2 were in here when I woke up. But I ignored them and told him every thing. Every thing from what happened at the end of the baseball game to when I blacked out. When he finished he thanked me and left. The nurses left also. The buzzed hair boy came up to me and said "Annebelle, Im so sorry that happened to you." he said holding my hand. Hes sorry for me but I dont know who he is. "Just one question." I said. "Yes, what is it?" he asked. "Who are you?" I asked him and then looking at the other boys. "Im Liam." the buzzed hair guy said. He even has a british accent. WHATS GOING ON HERE WHERE AM I? I asked my self. "This is Zayn." oh so thats the other guy who was here when I woke up. "Louis, Harry and thats Niall." Liam said. "I have more questions." "Ok go" he said. "How did i get here?" I asked. "You ran into Liam when we were walking." Harry explained. BRITISH ACCENT! WHATS GOING ON HERE? I asked my self. ok I need to know. "Where are we?" I asked. "A hospital silly." Louis said. 'No I mean where in the world." I asked. "London." Liam said. LONDON! LONDON! WHAT? I asked my self. "Whats the date?" I asked. "November 12th." Niall said looking at his phone NOVEMBER? WHAT? I said to my self. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "About a month." Zayn said. oh no. Then there was a knock at the door. Liam let them in. It was the police. "Annebelle?" the police asked. "Yes?" I asked. "Hi. We are going to ask you questions about everything." I nodded. "Ok so, where are you from?" He asked me. ok here we go. "Pennslyvania. in the USA." I said. "Ok. when were you kiddnapped?" He asked. "July 2nd, 2009." i said. "How old were you?" he asked. "13 almost 14" i said. "Whens your birthday?" here we go. "Novemeber 14th." i said. "Lastly whats the address of the house?" he asked. "5569 River RD." (A/N idk if thats a real road in London or anywhere just predend) I said. "Thanks. thats all we need." he said leaveing. When he left I looke at the boys and they were wide eyed. Oh boy.....................


Hello! Sorry havent updated. been busy lighting off fireworks ing my yard. have friends or should i say friend over and trying to learn how to play my guitar. so. ya but here it is hope u like it stay beaautiful lovlies!

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