Chapter 12

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"Bell Boo! You never told us you live with One Direction!" Shay said. One Direction? "One Direction?" I asked. Man I need to stop speacking my mind. "Annebelle do you want to introduse them to the others?" Harry asked."Ok." I said Harry went back in the video game room. We followed him where everyone is at. "Hello guys." I said. "Bell Bear! Are you cheating on me?" Louis holding heart with his hand. I chuckled. "Hey! What about me?" Harry said. "You have to wait for tonight to get attention." Louis said with a wink. "GROSS! I DONT WANT TO HEAR THAT TONIGHT!" I said trying to hold back my laughter. Niall started laughing along with Tori and Shay. "This is Shay and Tori." I sid pointing to them. "We were friends when I was in America." "Tori, Shay. Thats Louis Niall Liam Zayn Perrie Eleanor and you know Curly." I said the last one with no emotion. "Hurtful." Harry said putting his big hand over his chest. "Harry, your hearts on the other side." I said chuckling. He looked and changed it. We all bursted out in laughter. When we calmed down I took Shay and Tori to my room. "This is so cool!" Shay said looking around. Tori and me fell at the same time on my bed. "After 5 years we still do that at the same time!" Tori said. I started laughing. I sat up and Shay sat on me. "Shay?" "Ya?" she said looking at her phone. "Get OFF!" I said standing. She fell to the ground. Me and Tori were laughing. "Who wants to pull a prank?" I asked. "ME!" They said at the same time. "Ok. stay here be right back." I said leaving. I went to the video game room. "Perrie? Eleanor? Can you help us we need help with..........Hair styles!" I said. Im not good at lying. "Sure." They said getting up and following me. "Ok I lied." I said walking in my room with them. "We want to prank the boys and we need me girl help. "Ok." They said with a smile on their faces. " Ok. I say we do it tonight. Everyone gets a boy and prank them." I said writeing down names. I put them in a hat. "Pick a name any name." I said to Shay. She pick one. "What did you get?" I asked. "Liam." I handed the hat to Tori. "Harry." Next was El. "Louis." "Zayn" Perrie said. "I guess I get Niall. But what we also have to do is "Prank" ourselves so we dont look like we did it." I said. "Ok For Liam, You get all the spoons we have and put it EVERYWHERE in his room. Harry you straten his hair. Louis, hide his carrots, suspenders, strip shirts, TOMS, and red skinny jeans. Zayn, any hair protect the boys own get reed of." I said. "And what are you going to do to Niall?" El asked. "Hide all the food but not vegimite." I said. "Now what are we going to do to us?" Tori asked. "Well Hide our make-up, blow dryers, purses, And mess our hair up." I said. They looked at each other. "Ok." They said with a smile. Oh The boys are going to be mad in the morning.


How is it? I hope you liked it. well stay beautiful lovlies!


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