Chapter 11

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STUPID COMPUTER! I have to redo this chapter. well here you go

Secret Admire #1 POV

I went to check on Annebelle. When I got to her door I heard a guitar and a beautiful voice. I opened the door a little when she sang the last lyric and put her guitar away. she pulled out her phone to call someone and I left. I didnt want to get caught. I went back to the video game room. "Whats she doing Liam?" Louis asked. "Oh just on the phone talking to someone." I said. I looked at everyones face and the looked like normal. I saw Harry and Nialls face mad. I wonder why.


Shay got me in the car. She is taking me somewhere I dont know where. When the car stopped I looked around. I saw a big house. Huh? "Where are we?" I asked. "Dont you want to see Bell Bell?" She asked."How do you know this is her house?" I asked. "I called her mom and asked for the address so Annebelle wouldnt wonder why I asked." She said looking at her phone to the house back to me. She got out of the car. I got out and walked up to the front door. Shay rang the door bell. I heard running. "Coming." I heard Annebelle say. Annebelle opened the door. "OHMYGOD! AHHHHHHHHH!" She said hugging us. I smiled. We pulled away. "So are you going to let us in?" Shay asked. "YA!" Annebelle said moving out of the way. We got inside. I took off my shoes. "Annebelle, Who is at the do....." I heard a husky british accent. I looked and saw The one and only Harry Styles. "Oh just friends from America." She said like its no biggy. "Hi Im Harry." He said shaking Shays hand. "Shay." She said. "Ello." He said to me shaking my hand with his billion dollar smile. "Hi. Im Tori." I said a little flirty with a cheeky smile. Yes Im a Flirt. "Bell Boo! You never told us you live with One Direction!" Shay said putting her arm around her. "One Direction?" She asked. WHAT SHE NEVER HEARD OF ONE DIRECTION? "Annebelle do you want to indroduse them to the others?" Harry asked. Oh god his accent...... No I cant be falling for him. I just got out of a bad relationship a month ago I cant falling for him. Can I?

Secret Admire #2 POV

Why did Liam have to check up on her? In my thoughts there was a ring at the doorbell. I went to stand up and heard running. "Coming." Said Annebelle. God she has a pretty voice. I went to sit down when I heard. "OHMYGOD! AHHHHHHHHH!" I jumped at Annebelle screaming. "Harry you should go check up on her." Zayn said. I stand up and went to go in the living room."Annebelle, Who is at the do....." I said walking in seeing 2 other girls. They were pretty but the one that stand out was the blonde haired one. She is beautiful. "Oh just friends from America." Annebelle said like its no biggy. "Hi Im Harry." I said shaking hands with the one with red hair. "Shay." She said. "Ello." I said shanking hands with the blonde haired one."Hi. Im Tori." She said a little flirty with a cheeky smile. Ohhhhhh. Shes flirty. I like. All of a sudden I didnt feel any feelings for Annebelle. I did when I first met her but now I dont.


Heres a chapter. I was screaming at my computer because it was because stupid alot. haha. well what do u think? There will be another chapter tonight for you guys. Well stay beautiful Lovlies!


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