Chapter 24

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Annebelle told me that Harry was going to be wait for me in the livingroom with the others. I walked down the stairs and went into the livingroom. I looked at Harry and he had on his gray blazer with a white t-shirt underneath. With dark skinny jeans with white converse. "You look beautiful." Harry told me. "Thank you." I said. He led me out of the house to his car. When we got to his car he came to my side and opened the door for me. I said a Thank you and got in. He shut the door and jogged over to his side. He opened his door got in and shut his door. He put the key in the engine hole. He started up the car and we headed to where our date it. After 10 minutes Harry spoke up. "You are the first girl that didnt ask where the date is or what we are going to do." Harry said looking at me then back to the rode. "Well, lots of girls do that. Im not just some normal girl. Im different then the others." I said. "Also I can wait to be surprised." I added. After another 20 minutes we can to a parking lot. Harry got out and came to my side. He helped me out and went to the trunk. He pulled out a pinic basket and a big bag. I took the basket and he took my free hand with is free hand. We were walking when we got to sand. It was still light out but soon in like an hour will be sunset. "Right here?" He asked. I nodded. We were close to the water but not close enough for the water to get us wet. He took out a blanket and battery candles. He took out the food and served us. We were bantering and laughing. "Do you want to go for a swim?" Harry asked me. "I would love to but I dont have my bathing suit or clothes to change into after." I explained. "Why do you think I have this bag?" Harry said handing me my bathing suit. I found a place to change out of my dress and heals to a bathing suit. It was a hot pink bikini with black bottoms and a hot pink ribbin around the waist. I was done so I went back to Harry were he was in his bathing trunks. We went swimming for a little bit and sat down and watched the sunset. When the sun went down we cleaned up and headed back. We got in the car and started to drive back to the house. When we got there Harry once again helped me out of the car and took my hand. We walked up to the door. Before we opened it Harry turned to me. "Tori. I had a wonderful time with you tonight." Harry told me looking into my eyes. "I had a wonderful time too, Harry. Thanks for taking me out." I said. When I was about to open the door Harry took my face in his hand. He was leaning in so I did the same. When our lips met I felt the fireworks and bombs and sparks. It was amazing. I would stay like that forever. But it has to end at one point. We both pulled away at the same time. He was looking into my eyes again. "Tori, Will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked me. I nodded. "Yes." I said. He kissed me one more time and opened the door for us to go in. Well, looks like I have to go to Annebelle and tell her everything about what happened.


Helloooooooo. Sorry i havent updated. i just wanted to think and take a breack. but here u go. the date of TARRY! i hope u liked it. well stay beautiful lovlies!


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