Chapter 19

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Secret Admire #2 POV

Annebelle has been gone for over an a hour now. Im getting worried. I hope she is ok. I just want to make sure she is ok. I mean I have feelings for her and want her to be mine. Next thing I know Annebelle walks threw the front door.


Me and Michal hanged out like old times. I really missed him. Im glad he is here. I just got to the front door of the house. I walked threw and everyone is at their spots when I left. I go to the kitchen to get something to drink. "Annebelle?" I turned around and saw Liam there. "Ya?" I asked. "Can I talk to you in your room? Alone?" "Ya sure Liam." I said and went to my room with Liam following me. I get into my room and Liam enters. I shut my door and Liam sits on my bed. "Annebelle. I have to tell you something." He said. I looked at him. "I have been feeling this for a long time now. Ummmmmm... I like you. More than a friend or sister. I want to make you mine. I have been feeling this since the day you ran into me. Annebelle, will you do me the honor by being my girlfriend?" Liam asked with hope in his eye. He grabed my hand. Should I be his girlfriend? What if we breakup? Will this ruin our friendship? Do I feel the same way? I looked him. He is right now look at me waiting for an answer. But the thing is I dont know what I feel.


Helloooooooo..... Sorry i havent updated. But YAY TARRY SONES! they r together FINALLY! lol. well stay beautiful lovlies. 


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