Chapter 26

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After giving them t-shirts Tori left. I went to my room. I'm right now cleaning my room a little. Then I got into the shower and went to bed since it was 1am.

(Annebelles nightmare I worn u it's not pretty to read)

I'm running in a dark alley. I hear footsteps behind me. I keep running until I tripped. I twisted my ankle. The footsteps came closer. "Well well well, Venessa. Your here. No where to go." said the man I hate the most. "Please. Leave me alone. Please don't hurt me." I pleaded. "Oh why would I do that." He said with a creepy grin. He pulled down his pants and then started to rape me. I was screaming when the next thing happened. He took out a knife and stabbed my arm. "Shut the hell up you whore!" he screamed. He finished doing what he was doing. He took out the knife from my arm. Blood pouring out. I gasped. "This is what you get for leaving and going out of the house." The next thing I knew was that he put the knife right though my stomach. Then took it out and put it right through my heart. "Goodbye Venessa." He said then everything went black.

(end of nightmare)

I woke up gasping and sweating. I need to cut. I need to right now. I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed my razor from the shower and sat on the toilet. I pulled up my shorts I was wearing and put my razor on my thigh. The cool metal on my thigh was so cold. I pressed the razor on and moved it down. I took it off and saw that the blood was coming. I made even more cuts that after 8 I lost count. When I was done on my thigh said 'dream'. I took a toilet paper and got the blood off. I flushed it and put my shorts back on. I went to my bedroom and went back to bed.


here you go. one chapter.sorry I didn't update yesterday. was busy. but here's the chapter. well stay beautiful lovelies!


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