Chapter 9

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After shopping we went to get some Nandos. Nialls idea. Ever since the call I got I have been texting Tori none stop. I miss her so much! Shes like the sister I never had. When I felt the car stop while I was texting my phone slipt out of my hand. I picked it up and saw a big house in front of us. My jaw went flying to the ground. Man its big! "Love close your mouth, youll catch flies." Harry said. I closed my mouth. We got out of the car. I went to get some bags but all the boys beat me to it. We went in side and it was so cool. "Ok your room will be the one one the second floor the forth one down on the right. it next to Nialls room. Niall show her to her room please." Liam said giveing some bags to Niall and Harry. When he left I took some of the bags. "We got them. Its ok." Niall says. "No you guys have so many bags already so Im going to carry some." I said walking. Niall got infront of me to show me where it was. When we got there he opened it. The walls were neon lime green. There was a queen size with blue covers on it. There was a bathroom, a walk in closet, A dresser, desk, and bed side table. Everything went with everything. I put everything down so did Harry and Niall. They left so I can get alone time I guess. My mom texted me asking for the address so I texted it. She Im going to some stuff I have in American. And since its close to christmas then it will come faster. I put everything in my dresser and closet and change into my pjs. They were pink and brown. The tank top said One Tough Cookie with a mad cookie that some one took a bite from and matching pants. I put my hair in a poney tail and turned off the lights. When I got under the covers I was so tired I fell asleep fast.

~Next Day~

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" someone shouted in my ear which made me fall off my bed. When I looked up I saw all 5 lads. And the one smilling crazly was Mr.Shouts. Louis Tomlinson. "Louis. William. Tomlinson. You. Better. Run!" When I said run he ran and I chased after him. Little did he know when I was in school I was in cross country for every. Also soccer, basketball, and softball. So Im strong and fast. When we got down stairs I sprinted and was so close to Louis. I heard foot steps behind me. We ran into the living room and he jumped behind a couch with 2 girls on it. When I was about to jump over the couch 4 hands grabbed on my arms. I looked and saw Harry and Niall holding me back. "Its ok Louis we have her." Liam said going behind the couch. Louis came up and looked at me. "Dont think this is over Tomlinson." I said with a smirk. "Whats going on here?" One of the girls said. She has brown hair. "Louis screamed in Annebelles ear saying to wake up and she fell and told and I quote "Louis. William. Tomlinson. You. Better. Run! And he took off running and she was really close to him." Zayn explained going to put his arm around the other girl. She had blonde hair. "How are that fast?" Harry asked. "Well you never asked about when I was younger to 13 so you guys didnt know I took cross country, soccer, basketball, and softball." I said. "You know you can let go of me now. Im not going to hurt him or anything......" I said and they let go of me. "Yet......" I said walking up to my room to get a shower and stuff. When I was done I put on a jumper some skinny jeans neon mitch match socks and a black beanie since i didnt want to fix my hair. When I was done I went down the stairs and the doorbell rang. I went to answer it because they were playing video games. I opened the door. "Hello..... Are you Annebelle Brookes?" He asked. he had a dilivery outfit and a clipboard. "Ya." "Here sign here." I signed it. And he handed me 2 boxes. "Thanks." "Your welcome." He said and left. I looked at them when I cloesed the door. I looked and its from my mom. I opened it and had my stuff from my old room. I opened the other one it was kinda bigger than the other one. I looked and saw my Forest Green accustic guitar that I can plug into an amp. I took it to my room and just looked throught the boxes.


Hello. What do you think? well I dont really have anything to say so....... stay beautiful lovlies!


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