Chapter 16

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Secert Admire #3 POV

We were playing truth or dare because Louis said we should play. "Ok.......LIAM!" Louis said. "Truth or Dare?" Lou said. "Truth." Liam said. "Who do you like?" Lou asked with a smirk on his face. Oh this should be good. I looked at Liam and he look scared. He mubled something. "What was that I couldnt hear you." Harry said. "Annebelle....." He whispered. WHAT? HE LIKES ANNEBELLE? I HAVE FEELINGS FOR ANNEBELLE! THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING! I MEAN IT! 


We just got done with shopping and decided on getting dinner. "So anyone got there eye on someone?" Perrie said taking a bit of her food. I know who does..... I looked at Tori. Perrie saw me and looked at her. She is just pokeing her food with a fork blushing. "Ok Tori spill!" I said. She looked up at me. "Ummmmmm........Harry." She whispered looking down blushing even more."OMG!" We said jumping. "My little girl is growing up so fast..." Shay said pretending to wipe a tear. We kept teasing her until we were done eating. When we get home Im going to have a talk with Curly...........


Hey! How was it? well stay beautiful lovlies!


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