Chapter 15

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STUPID IPOD! I wrote the whole chapter. Gone. Gone. Its all gone! Agh! Well here you go

We got in Els car and went to the mall. When we got there we got out. We locked arms and started giggling. "Im hungry!" I said. "Well get can get something to eat before we go shopping." Shay said. We nodded and headed for the Nandos in the mall parking lot. When we were done we headed back for the mall. What I wanted was new cds so I can have new songs to listen to and also shoes. You cant have to many shoes. We walked into the mall. We headed to a music store I wanted to go in to get new cds. I wanted to get this one cd by this new boy band I found out about. I looked everywhere. Then I came up to the boyband section. I looked and found the album. There was a girl looking at a copy of the album. "Hey. There a good boyband." I said picking up a cd. "I have heard of the name but never heard any of their music." She told me looking up. "They are really good at singing." I said. "Really." She said looking at the copy. "My name is Annebelle." I said. "My name is Alexa." She said. "I see you dont have a British accent." I said looking at the copy Im going to buy. "Ya. Im from America." She told me. "Me too." I said looking through the other cds that might catch my eye. "I have to get going but heres my number and we can have a girls day or something." Alexa said handing me the piece of paper. "Ya I will text you or something so we can hangout." I said putting the piece of paper in my pocket. "Ok well bye talk to later." She said waving going to pay for the cd and leave. After she left I looked around and found some stuff that I liked and payed for it. 

Serect Admire #2 POV

Tonight Im going to ask out Annebelle. I just hope she says yes. Whe- I mean if she does I have it all planed out on what we are doing. No Im not going to tell you. "Lets play Truth or Dare!" Louis said jumping. "Ok" Harry said. The girls are shopping when we are at home bored. "Ok. Zayn Truth or Dare?" Louis said. "Ummmmmmm Dare?" Zayn said. Good luck buddy. "I dare you to...........Run around the area and say 'OMG ONE DIRECTION IS MY LIFE! HARRY HARRY! I WANT HARRYS GRAVY!'" Louis said with a smirk. "Fine...." Zayn said getting up and going out side. We heard him yelling it and came back in looking very mad. "Ok Ummmmmmm. Niall Truth or Dare." Zayn asked. "Dare." he said. "I dareyou to let Harry have your sandwich thats in the fridge." Zayn said. "NOOOOOOOOOOO..........." Niall said shaking his head. "Come on its a dare you have to." I said. "fine......" He said very angry getting up to go to the kitchen. He came back with his sandwich and threw it at Harry. "Ok Louis Truth or Dare?" Niall said angry. "Dare." Louis responded. "I dare you to.......... Prank call a random number you just type in." Niall said and then he started laughing. "Ok." Louis said typing in a number. It ranged 3 times when someone answered. "Hello?" A very screaky voice said. "Hello! Is Jimmy there?" Lou said with a deep voice. "Why?" She said. "Because....... NO JIMMY PROTESTED!" Lou screamed into the phone then ending the call. Niall bursted into laughing. "Ok.....LIAM!" Louis said. Oh dear...... "Truth or Dare?" Lou said smirking. "Truth." I said. "Ok. Who do you like?" Lou said. Oh no..........


Hellooooooo! Heres chater 15! YAY! well hope you like it. stay beautiful lovlies!


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