Chapter Six

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***He comes up from behind and puts his arms around my waist pulling me to him, he puts his head on my shoulder and whispers into my ear,

"I think this rehearsal went rather well... We practiced and now we both know how we feel about each other.... Let me take you out to eat, to uh..celebrate"

"And what would we be celebrating Rob?"

"A good rehearsal."

I take a minute to think about it, but I ultimately say "Ok, let's do it."***

We walk out of the campus and into the parking lot. "Let's take my car" I say to him.

"Only if I get to drive it, let me call my driver and tell him not to wait up"

"Fine" I say rolling my eyes. Why can't I drive my own car?! One thing I've learned about Robert over the last two weeks is that he is very real and very sarcastic. He's funny and charming but he's also aggressive and demanding. He's not the typical asshole celebrity we all see on TV, no. He has a heart, and a big one too. His personality is eccentric and the complete opposite of shy. He interrupts my thoughts...

"HELLO?! Earth to Amber?"

"Whoa, haha sorry"

"What were you thinking about"

"You. As a matter of fact."


I roll my eyes at him and hand him my keys, "Where we going mistah?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out.... Soon"

I giggle and submit myself to his Downey charm. I have no other choice anyway, right?

I go around my car and sit in the passenger seat. He turns on the ignition and we are off. I inconspicuously turn on my map app in my phone just to see where we are headed.

I turn on my XM radio and due to my Puerto Rican roots, of course the Latino station is on. I instead plug in my iPhone to the aux and say to him

"Any requests?"

"Got anything from my era?"

"What era are you from exactly Rob? You really don't look older than 40"

He laughs. Hard. Causing me to almost catapult out of the car, holy shit he scared me!

"Why are you laughing Robert?"

"HA HA HA I'm 48 babe!"

"Well you sure don't look it."

"Wait aren't you a little weirded out? A 48 year old was kissing your neck earlier"

"I like older men Rob, always have. It's no issue to me, I love it" I say seductively. He bites his bottom lip and all I can think is 'that's my job'.

I decide to put on some more modern music and lay some "Watch the Throne" by Jay-Z and Kanye West on him. He laughs at first and after two songs I switch it to the radio.

Twenty minutes later and I open my eyes. Shit! I fell asleep!

"Hi sleeping beauty" he says sweetly to me. I look around and we are in lower manhattan. Thank god I had a change of clothes, I didn't want to be all sweaty downtown! In my school, before leaving I changed into a pair of dark denim skinny jeans and a see through button down tank top (yes a matching bra underneath so as to not reveal everything) with my gold strappy sandals.

"There is literally no parking down here Rob, you do know that?" I say to him noticing the area we are in, near battery park.

"Don't worry, Robbie knows what he's doing" he says with his signature smile.

We pull into a parking lot for a tall skyscraper condo building and I'm getting excited. I used to go to school around here and I would admire the buildings and living area down here. So calm, beautiful and modern.

We make it to the top of the indoor parking lot, which seems to be almost empty, and he parks my car near the entrance to the lobby. "Where are we Rob?" I ask.

"Well I thought the city girl would know"

"Yes I do, but what is this building, what're we going to do here?"

"This is my condo Amber"

"I thought you said we were going out to eat?"

"Yes babe. We're gonna eat, relax and swim here"

"Oh ok"


"Swim?! But I kind of don't have a bathing suit with me"

"I sent someone to get you one, no worries. Will you just trust me?"

I shrug "Sure".

We exit the parking lot and enter the lobby area. We enter a gorgeous elevator and he hits the button that says "PH" and a code on a separate pad on the elevator, directly after. 'Penthouse?' I think to myself. 'Of course he has a penthouse here Amber! Duh. He's Iron Man!' I quiet my thoughts as the elevator doors open revealing a gorgeous, spacious penthouse. Everything modern and beautiful. Black leather couches, glass windows that go from the floor to the ceiling revealing the gorgeous view of battery park and the Hudson.

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