Chapter Fifty Six

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I wake up on top of Rob, his shirt still around his arms, his pants at his ankles and me wearing nothing but my bra. The roses are beside us on the bed.

A satisfied smile reaches my lips and I lift myself off of my sexy husband. I'll let him sleep while I shower. It's only ten and I'm really hungry. I shower and get dressed.

"Honey, wake up..."I try waking him up. "Babe..." I kiss his jawline then his chest.

"Mmmm... I love your kisses." He's awake.

"Get dressed babe. Im starving!" He gets up, showers and gets dressed. I'm waiting in the living room talking to J.

"I have no idea when J but I'm sure not that far from now..."

"What's not far from now?" Rob enters the room.

"Umm... a promotion at work babe!"

"Yeah ok what are you two really talking about?"

"Excuse me sir, but she was telling the truth." J says. This is why I love him.

Rob goes back to the room since he forgot his favorite watch.

"Thanks J."

"No problem Mrs. Downey." Rob re-enters the living room and we are off to dinner at my favorite restaurant at south street seaport.

The night goes very well and we catch up on his week and mine has been. I tell him about my pain in the ass boss and he tells me about his latest project.

By the time we get home we've had a couple of drinks and my vision is going blurry. Thank goodness we have J to get us home, we can always count on him.


"AGH! Turn it off!" I hear the alarm go off and I hear Robert verbally abusing it. ugh. my head...

I turn around and I am completely naked. Obviously I have no recollection of what happened last night. Duh. Typical me on a Friday night out with my husband.

Oh lord look at him now. Verbally abusing the sun. "WHY ARE YOU SO BRIGHT?! J! GET IN HERE!"

"Robert calm down. We are hung over don't yell at J. Say sorry now."

"Sorry J."

"That's ok Mr. Downey. How may I assist you?" I hear him walking in so I hide under the covers. "Good morning Mrs. Downey."

"Morning J. Could you get me some meds for this killer headache please?"


"J these blinds aren't closing for me please fix it please ugh. the light!" Rob says in distress.

"Come here baby." I say to him. Maybe I can calm him down. He lays down next to me, put his head on my chest and I massage his temples and scalp.

"You know, I'm in pain too..."

"Sorry mama. Lets go back to sleep. Thank you J!"

"No problem sir. I will bring you both medication and hot tea." I love him.

J gives us hot tea and we drink our meds. We turn on the TV and lay for a few minutes when all of a sudden I need to run to the bathroom.

I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I hear Rob calling out to J and then he's here with me. My head is over the toilet and I am then revealed everything I are last night. Rob is holding my hair up and rubbing my back, he hands me a wet towel and I shove my head in it and hope nothing else comes out. Ugh. I don't want to look at alcohol for a very, very long time.

A few hours later I'm feeling a bit better and so is Rob. We've spent all of our Saturday in bed. Too bad he has to go to work tomorrow, but at least it's not overnight stay.

We have something very light for lunch and dinner and the day goes by relatively fast. I hope I can wake up fine tomorrow to hang out with Serena.

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