Chapter Twenty Eight

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Last night was amazing! My best friend is engaged! I hugged both of them and so did Rob. Serena and Alex spent the rest of the night in each others embrace I'm sure, as did myself and Robert.

This morning we woke up early and packed everything so when we do leave there are no issues. Rob is an excellent packer might I add, he knows exactly what I need and how much ill need. Ill never do my own packing ever again.

Today is the day of the banquet and I'm freaking out. I'm sure Rob can feel my tension. We spend a few hours on the beach and at a nearby restaurant for breakfast, Rob called ahead to make sure there's a side entrance and an enclosed area for us, he always gets the star treatment, that's my man. When it's time to leave at around one p.m. we all want to stay. It was a great evening and night, but once again Rob promises me we'll all come back soon.

Alex and Serena are behind us and I am at the wheel this time around. Driving helps me focus and calm the fuck down! Lord knows I needed it...

We arrive at the school and all I need from the car is my makeup bag, our clothes are inside. They paired Rob with a black suit and tie, (a grey silk button down top underneath) when we dance he will remove the jacket and tie. I have a sexy red dress that touches the top of my knee and scrappy gold dance heels to go with them. We head inside and meet with the director first. Everything starts in an hour and half!

He congratulates us students on making it this far and thanks the celebs for joining in as well. Before leaving to get ready I make sure I get a photo op with the other celebs! We all together, students and celebs, take a group pic. This is an emotional day for me as will graduation be, but I'm happy.

After socializing with the other performers, Rob and I head to our room to get ready. He puts on his suit and I put on my dress.

"If I fall you'll catch me right?"

"Does Iron Man ever miss?"

"Um... Yea maybe once or twice! Ha ha!" He gives me a hug and tells me to calm the fuck down. Which is what I desperately need to do.

The hour and a half has elapsed and we are now in the auditorium back stage watching the events of the banquet take place. We look great and my nerves are on edge. He looks delectable, a sexy piece of Downey, maybe ill get a bite of him later.

Forty minutes in and it's our turn! Oh my god. Rob hugs me and squeezes my hands in his. He kisses my forehead and whispers, "We'll be great."

Which is exactly what happened. No fails, no mistakes. It was brilliant. We did Marc Anthony justice, or at least his song. He picked me up, spun me, and danced with me like a true Boricua (Puerto Rican), myself and Mrs. Dawson have taught him well. We sit in the auditorium to see the other performances and my nerves are gone! It's done and it was great! We even received a standing ovation! For three of the several performances the crowd knew there would be a celebrity, so when each popped up they went wild. It took us a good minute to begin simply because they were clapping for Iron Man for the longest.

It is now seven p.m. and Rob and I are in the room once more. The last time we'll be in the room that our desire for each other grew in. My eyes pool with tears and he knows exactly why. He holds me tight to his chest.

"It's been a long way coming hasn't it? You've worked really hard to get here baby. I know it's not always easy to let go, especially when you spent these years at such a great school, but what's ahead of you is a bright future and guess what, it's even better since we have each other now. I love you." His words make the tears come out of my eyes but I'm smiling. He kisses my tears away and then kisses my lips. I love this man so much.

There is a dinner set up in the dining hall to celebrate the success of the banquet which Rob and I head to after putting all our stuff in my car. We dine with the other celebs, parents, family, friends and other seniors. I hope I can spend the rest of the night with dry eyes! By the end of the night Rob and I head to his penthouse and sleep the night away because we were honestly beat. It seems too good to be true. I'm graduating with everything and more.

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