Chapter Fourty Eight

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"I have the knife in my pocket you asked me to bring." Serena whispers to me.

"Ok. What do we do?! I'm terrified!"

"We approach her." I grab Serena's hand and we make our way from the hall way at the door to the living room, everything quiet. My heart is racing.

We walk to the terrace and there she is. She has a bag in her hand.

"What in the hell are you doing here?"

"I just- I didn't know you were here."

"What the fuck are you doing here?! Answer me."

"I was just- I had to organize some things for Mr. Downey. Listen it's not what you think."

"You expect me to trust you?!"

"In this one occasion yes. I do. I heard you moving around that's why I came here. You startled me as much as I startled you." This bitch is too much.

"Get out. Now. And how in the hell did you get in here?" She flashes me the card that the front the desk apparently gave her. "Give it to me now."

"I have to return it to the front desk."

"I'll do that for you. Gladly."


"OUT! NOW!" I swear the neighbors three suites from us could hear me. I'm fucking furious! I don't trust her not one bit. She was up to something. As soon as she leaves Serena and I check the entire place for anything suspicious. Nothing ever came up. Even if she was just doing her job, why would she come in without letting me know? Sneaky little bitch.

It is nearly eight at night and I'm expecting Rob here any minute. I miss him too much. It's only been a day but for the past almost three months we've been each others everything.

I hear a knock on the door and it scares the shit out of me, I'm still stunned by the whole Paula thing. Ugh, even her name makes me shudder. I go to open the door and it's Rob!

I hug him and I don't know why but tears start pooling into my eyes and I start to cry. I guess it's just such a relief to have him here. All the emotions earlier have given me such anxiety.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying? It was only a couple of hours..."

"No babe it's not that it just..." And I tell him all that has happened since he left.

"I can't believe her. I knew she always had a thing for me babe but not like that. That's just proof to you that she recognizes that this is real. Not like any of my other girlfriends. I can't explain why she would sneak in here. I didn't ask her or anyone to prepare anything for me. She will be gone as soon as we get back home ok babe?"

"She'll be mad and might seek revenge against me. Rob I just have a horrible gut feeling. Like some bomb is ticking." He puts his arms around me and holds me tight. This is the only place I feel absolutely safe, in his arms.

"You don't need to worry about anything. I'm here. It's ok." He rocks me back and forth in his arms calming me down. It works, and I love him even more than I did yesterday.

"I wanted to take you out to eat tonight but lets have something here first ok?" He asks me.

"Ok." He goes to the kitchen and fetches a bottle of wine and we go out on to the terrace to enjoy it. He pours me and glass then himself a glass. The Paris sky looks absolutely beautiful and with wine it should be all the more better. He takes a sip licking his lips, trying to be overly sexy, and I giggle.

Before I can take a sip of mine, that's when it happens. It's like he's choking on something.

"Rob! Baby what's wrong?! Talk to me!" He's plummeting towards the floor and I grab him in my arms, falling with him. I have to help him, I can't panic. I lay him down and run to the phone in the living room telling the front desk to call an ambulance. I run back to him and it's like everything is in slow motion. Tears run down my face. What is happening to him?

"Baby I'm here it's ok. I'm here." I tell him hoping he stays awake. His eyes are open but he looks paralyzed. I'm holding his head at my chest. "Rob please stay with me the paramedics will be here." That's when I hear the door bust open and people running in. What the hell is going on?!

And then it fucking clicks. That bitch poisoned the drink for me.

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