Chapter 1

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She shivered in her seat. Maybe it was a mistake to arrive thirty minutes earlier than she was supposed to, but she figured it would be nice to admire Manhattan for a little while.

After all, she would be leaving in a week.

The young woman admired the park from the large water fountain in the corner. A large tree loomed over the fountain, dropping beautiful purple flowers down every few seconds.

It wasn't crowded. She knew it wouldn't be on a cool Thursday afternoon.

There were a few other people walking up and down the sidewalks where shops were lined up. It reminded her of a memory that took place a little over three years ago.

Walking around with a handsome young man and his mother. There was no point in trying to remember anything else.

From afar, a young man was looking around, checking his watch and mentally scolding himself for being late. His eyes scanned over the slightly empty park. His dark, combed hair wasn't prepared for the wind and had been flying around ever since he got out of the taxi several minutes ago. It had somehow even seemed to bother the scruff growing on his lower face and a bit under his chin.

He wondered if she'd recognize him. Over the past three years, his hair had grown longer and a beard had begun growing, which he made sure to shave every once in a while.

Plus, he was taller and grew out of his skinny phase during high school. Not by much, of course. He was still pretty fit for a young man.

He pulled out his phone and called his most recent contact. "Hey, I'm here. Traffic wasn't the best going from my hotel. Where are you?"

"Look for the fountain."

The call ended and he put his phone back into his the pocket of his leather jacket. It was pretty cold in Manhattan in the early fall, much different from California. Even with his dark blue jeans, long black sleeve, and black leather jacket, he was still a bit chilly.

His feet wandered aimlessly around the green of the park, searching for a fountain. That's when he spotted it in the corner of the park, a young figure slightly hidden behind it.

The beating in his chest quickened. Three years was such a long time. The first few months he and his friends had skyped, emailed, texted, and called. It had lasted for seven months, but it got increasingly more difficult as college continued. All contact had disappeared by the first year and a half. There was always the random text asking if he was doing okay, but that was usually it. Now he was finally seeing her again.

He neared the fountain and walked around to finally see her.


The familiar set of green eyes looked up at him and the rest of his words caught in his throat.


There was a short silence as they carefully observed each other. David was slightly stunned at the change, so much that he felt slightly stupid for worrying about her not recognizing him.

Evanee's green eyed still lit up her face, but they were framed with black glasses. Her features were much more pointed and prominent. Her cheekbones had more definition now and the baby fat that had subsided on her once full cheeks had disappeared completely. Her jawline was sharp, making her look much more mature.

Even as she stood up, David couldn't help but stare. Three years had matured her body as well. She was wearing dark skinny jeans and a plain, tight gray sweater that showed off her figure.

Though the most surprising thing that caught David off guard was her hair. The long flowing raven hair was gone, a pixie cut replacing it.

He suddenly felt her arms wrap around him and he hugged back.

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