Chapter 34

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She waited for what seemed the longest time, but that could only be expected after her abrupt invitation.

The sky was a darkened blue and stars began to litter the matte sky. It had been a while since she went to the park alone. It provided a comforting silence that Evanee needed in these moments. She wondered if she had already destroyed her chances with him.

The past held many significant changes and mistakes, but Evanee hoped that only the future would matter now. She wanted to finally make things last.

At this moment, Evanee believed that she finally grew up, that she was past the ridiculous nonsense of multiple love interests and broken hearts. This was going to be the first sentence of a new chapter and she was absolutely aching to know if she'd receive her happy ending.

Her heart would race everytime she heard a car speed by, hoping it would be him. Evanee was beginning to think she should have brought something for the two of them, maybe hot chocolate or cookies from the bakery down the street. It was too late to that now because Evanee was frozen in her spot on the bench, seeing a car park by the sidewalk near her.

His expression could only determine that he was confused to why she would call him so late and in an empty place like this.

This time Evanee's heart pounded with such a force that she had trouble hearing him say hi.

After all the time spent wanting for this, Evanee was ready to back out and play the entire event off like it was just a random visit. But it wasn't and Evanee was far too deep into her web of feelings that she had to say something right here and right now.

"Are you alright? You shouldn't be out here all alone," he said softly, taking a seat next to her on the bench. It was only then that Evanee noticed that he had two drinks in his hand and a small paper bag. "Hot chocolate and cookies, your favorite."

A smile lit up Evanee's face as she thanked him and placed the hot chocolate in her cold hands. She let out a sharp breath, seeing it transform into a cloud of white before disappearing.

"Are you cold?"

"I'm fine. I just wanted to say something and this might change everything and I know I'm being really dramatic but it's only because I'm nervous and-"

He placed his on her shoulder as she stared into his soft, brown eyes.

"No matter what happens, I will always love you."

"This thing with Jordan. I guess it was a way to seclude myself from you guys and Jordan knew that too. It gave me time to think about what I really wanted in life and I see that now. I want to start a new chapter in my life and the person I see myself spending most of my life with is you. I know our past has held a lot more drama than what's usual, but I love you. I don't expect you to be swept into my arms by this crappy declaration, but you mean a lot to me."

Soft lips pressed against Evanee's and she could only help but smile through his tender hold.

"There is no one else in this entire world that I would rather than spend my life with, Ducky. I know we've been through the worst, but that only means the best is yet to come and I can't wait to share that with you."


Her heart was pounding again. The only thing that separated a lifetime of surprises was behind those brown double doors, but they frightened Evanee to a point where she was ready to run.

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