Chapter 23

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"This has to be perfect," she mumbled.

"It's not like she's leaving forever, Evs. Plus, she's trying to find a college here in California. She'll only be a few hours away," Jonathan reassured Evanee, taking the broom from her hands and sweeping the rest.

The green eyed girl took it back and shooed him to the kitchen where he had dish duty, something he had been avoiding since he got here to set up for Sydney's surprise party.

It had been a long while since she told them the news and things have been going smoothly. There was no more fighting, which Evanee was unconditionally thankful for. She and Craig were getting better. It hadn't been the same since that night, but they spent time together everyday watching a movie or playing a game to help patch things up. She couldn't lose having someone like him in her life.

"So where is Tyler and Kelly taking Sydney until the party is ready?" Jonathan asked, finally washing the dishes.

"Tyler's dad got him some extra tickets for some basketball game that Sydney was really excited about and they won't be back till around seven tonight."

It was only twelve, leaving seven hours until Sydney got here but Evanee needed everything to be ready early. Otherwise, she'd stress out. Craig and Evan were out buying party decorations and other things like that, while David and Berenice were currently on a date. That left her and Jonathan to clean up a bit more for the party.

It was more of a going away party in a sense because Sydney was accepted into a college, but she refused to tell Evanee which one until she saw her face to face. Because of that, Evanee decided to throw her a surprise party to celebrate.

"Is there anything else I have to do after I wash the dishes?"

Evanee finished up sweeping and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place.

"Well, there will probably be more dishes after we bake the cupcakes, but I'll probably let Evan wash those," she laughed.

Jonathan was beaming. Apparently, he loved cupcakes, especially vanilla with chocolate which also happened to be Sydney's favorite. He was over the roof once she told him.

The counter was clear so Evanee began covering it with different ingredients, a mixing bowl, measuring cups, and a silicone spatula.

Jonathan was rushing through the dishes, almost dropping a few plates and cups in the process. While he finished up, Evanee went to go change into an old tee shirt and some three dollar leggings that she got at Goodwill. Baking with Jonathan around was bound to end in a mess.

By the time the raven haired girl came downstairs, Jonathan was done with the dishes and found Craig's stupid navy blue apron.

"You look ridiculous," she told him.

"And so do you. Where'd you even get that shirt? It's way too big for you and it has a huge floating cat head on the front," Jonathan stared at it with a smile.

Evanee actually did begin to wonder where she got it from. Most of her clothes were contemporary and didn't have many designs, much less a floating cat head.

She shook the thought out of her head and began to pour in the ingredients they'd need. Jonathan took the liberty of stirring it and in the process, got a huge dab of batter flying through the air and landing directly on Evanee's cheek.

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