One Shot

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To make up for not updating, I wanted to do a one shot. I might do this a few times since they're not that hard to write. It's a really really short Delirious one shot.


I was desperate. My throat viciously ached. Somehow, I felt my entire body weaken immensely in that single moment. In the event of all this happening it me, tears began to pool around my eyes, no matter how much I despised it.

Though, I despised the man in front of me even more. His malicious smile angered me in ways I never imagined, but I had lost the ability to move. My body slumping in my seat as if I lost all control over my own movements.

Something about the way his baby blue eyes screamed innocence, sympathy. It was very much evident that this was not the case. He was cruel, but his looks were undeniable. His hair tousled and swept to the side. His features were prominent, displaying a sharp jaw line and defined cheekbones.

This inhuman savage smiling wickedly at me had seemed even more sadistic because of his wealthy looks.

The agonizing ache I felt in my throat still lingered and prevented myself from screaming in emotional pain or shouting obscenities towards the man.

Slowly, I felt myself weaken even further. There were no more tears, no will to shout. I had unwillingly surrendered myself to him. I was weak.

"I can't keep watching you like this," he said deeply, his sadistic smile never leaving his face. "You can have the rest of my ice cream."

Instantly, my body shot up and I lunged forward in my seat, grabbing the half-eaten bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream that sat in front of my him. I pulled the bowl towards myself and devoured it, the ache I felt in my throat disappearing.

"You were always so dramatic. This is the last time I'm taking you out for ice cream," Jonathan rolled his eyes, taking out his phone and snapping a picture of me with ice cream smothered across my mouth.

"Or," I say, smiling,"this is the last time you only buy me one bowl of ice cream."

As I continued eating, I noticed that there were a few people with amused smiles sent towards me general direction and I couldn't help but blush. Maybe I had been a bit over dramatic.

"How did I fall in love with a weirdo like you?" He asked, showing his bright smile.

"I ask myself the same question everyday, but I already know the answer." He waits expectantly. "It's because I know that I want to spend the rest of my life looking at your dumb face."



So there it is. Not very romantic, not very good, and not very long. Sorry. Vote and comment

And as always I hope he enjoyed(:)

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