Chapter 10

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Apart from the crude whisper in her ear, the afternoon was amazing. The eight of them had a fun experience swimming and looking at fish up close. Jonathan had even managed to touch one, but it immediately swam away right after. Though, Craig had all of it recorded with his waterproof GoPro that he adored.

He had been recording most of their time at the beach, especially when he was sitting with Evanee on top of one of the larger rocks farther from the shore. They sat there with their legs in the water, watching the fish swim by. That was until Tyler pushed Craig into the water while Evan pulled Evanee into the water. Even "the couples" Sydney with Evan and David with Berenice were able to enjoy time together when they took pictures inside the cove and walked around on the sand.

At one point, David and Berenice ran off somewhere, but when they came back Berenice's swimsuit were a bit "roughed up" and David's face was pink. The moment was priceless when they both began freaking out when Evan had asked where they had gone. Craig had gotten all of it on his camera too.

"I'm exhausted," Evanee groaned, face planting into the couch.

Mostly everybody had gone their separate ways after they were done swimming and Craig and Evanee finally made it home.

"Same," Craig said, repeating Evanee's actions, but falling on her instead of the couch.

The green eyed girl immediately pushed him off. "Meh," she sat up on the couch, remembering what happened earlier, "Craig, did you whisper something in my ear earlier today?"

"No. Why?" He was smiling, as if he knew something, but at the same time his words seemed truthful. Evanee had no idea if he was lying or not and she didn't have the energy to interrogate him at the moment.

"Nothing. How'd you like today?"

"It was amazing. I wouldn't mind going out again soon. But if you don't mind me asking, how do you feel about Evan? I know everything that happened in the past, but what about now or when you were in Manhattan?"

That was something Evanee was unsure of. She wanted to ask Craig why he was interested in knowing in the first place, but that would probably just be avoiding the actual question.

"Back in Manhattan, I was angry. I was angry when I left California and when I went to school. But it was hard to stay angry and usually, I'd get sad. I missed him a lot. After all the stuff we went through and without saying goodbye, it was hard to forgive and forget. God, I even remember dedicating a song to him when I was drunk this one time," Evanee rambled on.

Craig frowned slightly, seeing the disappointed face on Evanee. "Well what's the song called? It must have been important if you had considered dedicating it to him after avoiding him for so long."

So Evanee gave him the name of the song and he searched it up. Evanee sat still on the couch while Craig was on the computer.

Since you've been gone nothing makes any sense
Cause being with you was the thing I did best
Now that it's over what else have I left?

Just the first three lines seemed to capture her old feelings and Craig seemed to realize.

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

After all this time of keeping strong, just hearing the song made Evanee's chest hurt. She didn't want to cry. There was no reason for her to cry especially after such an amazing day, but she couldn't help it.

I want you so much that it hurts me to think
That we'll be like strangers the next time we meet

A light laugh left her lips hearing this part. Back then, she did believe that she'd see Evan again, but only as strangers. But now it was as if everything had gone back to square one and the two of them were solely friends.

There's a hole in my heart since you been gone

The raven haired girl refused to cry. She didn't love Evan anymore. No, she was an entirely different person now and Evan was nothing but the past, so why did hearing this song hurt her so much?

"Evanee, you okay?" Craig asked.

"I'm find. Just a few old memories. I'm going to get ready for bed, okay?"

"Do you want to talk? I know we haven't really known each other long, but I'm all ears."

They hadn't even know each other for a month, yet Evanee looked to him for comfort. Maybe it was because they lived together and he was the closest, but then again, her other friends were just a phone call away and she didn't feel the need to talk to them about her problems.

Evanee had revealed a few things about Manhattan to Craig that she hadn't told anyone else. Of course, her stories were quite vague but she told him nonetheless.

"The thing I told you about what happened three months before I graduated college, do you remember?"

Craig froze up and nodded slowly.

"I don't regret it. I used to figure that after college, everything would be alright. I'd find my own place, get a job, and enjoy life but life got boring. Then I found myself back in LA with people I thought I'd never see again. It's all just a rush of emotions, experiencing all of this three years after I left. All of those feeling I thought I forgot are back and along with them is that horribly feeling of hopelessness, like I'll never amount to anything else in my life. I thought I'd be fine by now."

She had to stop every few words just to sniffle or wipe her tears. It's been so long since she talked like this. There was no one in Manhattan she could confide in and everything that she felt over those three years needed to be said, but she didn't have the time or the energy.

Two arms wrapped around her as she cried even harder.

"You are not hopeless. You will amount to so much more things in life and I will be here to see that it happens. You're an angel and I can't wait to see you fly," Craig fiddled with the necklace around her neck. "You'll be okay."


Craig may or may not be the secret whisperer. I will eventually reveal it later on. Sorry that most of this was a bit sad. My emotions really affect the way I write and I'm just a whirlwind of emotions right now. Thank you so much to everyone who voted and to those people who comment several times about the actual book (@Not_Today_Satan ) There's been a lot of #Mevanee shippers, but there's always more time to change that. Vote and comment what ship you want to see

And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)

P.S. Thank you to Contoliyo who's honestly been so kind to me and suggested a few amazing ideas for my books. It was also her birthday recently so if any of you are able to, go wish her a happy belated birthday on her account. Thank you guys😁

P.P.S. The song is to the side if any of you are interested. I really like it

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