Chapter 32

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"So, Jordan? What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a counselor for adults and youth who suffer from depression and anxiety, which I've repeated the last five times you asked me."

Jonathan raised his arms and stood up from his chair abruptly.

"That's it. I'm done. He's too perfect. Evanee, if you don't want him, I'll have him."

Evanee rolled her eyes. "Sit back down, Jonathan. You honestly didn't have to interrogate him. He was here just to grab the coat he left."

"When I just so happened to be here. Has he met Craig? I feel like he's met Craig before."

Jordan smiled and waved his hand. "Yeah, I'm right here so we can stop talking about me like I'm not, if you're okay with that. I've met Craig. He's a great guy and I'm glad Evanee lives with someone who protects and supports her."

Jonathan looked back at Evanee and whispered, "perfect. He's perfect."

Ever since their first date, Evanee and Jordan went out a bit more. Jordan had a preference to take Evanee on romantic dates like fancy restaurants, walks on the beach, and to a concert.

Meanwhile, Evanee had taken him to LA to watch the street performers, small coffee shops where they would talk and read for hours, and to yoga classes which Jordan was oddly great at.

Still, Evanee never defined it as serious and she has been just talking to Jonathan about her relationship with Jordan when he actually showed up to pick up the coat he left with Evanee on their last date. Jonathan wasn't quick to let him go without a few questions.

"He went to a great college. He majored in psychology. He's rich. He's attractive. He's funny. He's perfect."

"You've said that several times Jonathan."

"I have to say. I agree with him," Jordan cut in, grinning. "I'm irresistible."

"Your going to be late for your next appointment. Get going. I'll see you tomorrow," Evanee shooed Jordan out the door and sighed once the door was closed and locked. "What was that?"

Jonathan laid down on the couch and shrugged. He wasn't exactly sure either. His first reaction to Jordan was to interrogate the living day lights out of him. Jonathan suspected that would scare him off and he'd never show his face around Evanee's place again. The opposite happened.

Jordan was intimidating. He had everything and now, now he had the perfect girl. How could Jonathan compete with that?

Craig even liked Jordan. He was so accepting of another man waltzing right into Evanee's life and the worst part was that Jonathan was beginning to think that it was a good idea. He would do Evanee some good. He was stable. He would be good for her.

But as selfish as it seemed to be, Jonathan wanted to be the perfect guy for Evanee. He wanted to be good for her.

"Jonathan? Are you alright?"

The young man didn't even realize that his eyes began to water. What was he thinking?

"There's just a lot going through my head right now, Evs. I should get going."

"Jonathan. Please stay," Evanee said, sitting down at the edge of the couch. "Even with all I've done and all this shit, I want you to be happy."

He laughed. It was that infamous laugh that Evanee absolutely loved hearing when they were in high school together. Jonathan's laugh meant happier times.

"You want me to be happy, yet you do what makes me miserable."


"I don't mean to pick a fight, Evs. It's just that what would make me happy is being with you and then you say you want me happy but you go date this perfect guy. I'm not judging. It's just ironic. It's not your fault. It's just how feelings tend to work. I guess I'm in the same boat. What would make you happy is a stable relationship with a good guy and I want you to be happy, but I don't want you with him. Isn't that crazy? How do we believe one thing yet act another way?"

There was silence. Jonathan was ranting. He didn't know what to say or do.

"I understand. It is crazy. Before I met you guys, I wanted a straightforward, uninterrupted education. I believed that the only way I would succeed in life is if I refrained from becoming close to anyone because they'd be a distraction. That was my logic, but that day came along and all I remember is being happy; more than happy. I think when you believe in one thing but do another, it's because your emotions ultimately cloud your rationale."

"Are you as happy now as you were then, Evs?"

"I don't think I ever will be and that's what hurts me the most. The reason I've wanted to leave again —why all of us haven't really hung out as a group— is because it hurts knowing that it will not ever be the same as it was then. Maybe dating Jordan is just a way for me to move on from the past."

Jonathan sat up and stared at Evanee with hopeful eyes. "So if I showed you that you could still be as happy as you were back then, you wouldn't give up on me?"

"You can't expect anything, Jonathan."

"Well, Evanee Pierce, I am going to teach you how to be happy again and in the process, I am going to make you fall madly in love with me."

"You're delirious."

"You bet I am, Evs," Jonathan winked, earning a very dramatic facepalm from the girl he loved.


Ya girl is stressing out because junior year is kicking her ass. Here's a Jevanee update because I needed some things to be said and Jonathan seemed like the person to say this.

Huge shoutout to all my recent readers and for all the readers who have been involved with my books for the longest times. I love that new readers enjoy the book and that there are even some "re-readers". It's honestly amazing. Vote and comment

And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)

P.S. MY GRADES BE POPPIN' (except for that one D I got in an AP class for freshman year that I'm still very angry about)

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