"Yes sir I think it's around that time also. It's getting worse by the day. He doesn't know I suspect anything and for his benefit I'll keep it that way for now. Until you decide to meet that is." I told director Fury.
"I'm about to meet him right now. Get in contact with Coulson. I want you with him to come by your shared house with Tony in about an hour. And make sure your suited up."
"Yes sir."
I walked through the trashed house with Phil and some other agents.
Tony looked surprised to see me.
"We've disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world." I told him after Fury left. I was wearing a suit similar to Nat's but it's in red. "Coulson is here to make sure you stay on the premises." I tell him as Coulson walks away. He didn't say anything just stared. "What? You knew I was working for S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Yea I know that, but since when was I your mission?" He asked.
"Since you decided to become Iron Man." I told him. "Look Tony I'm sorry I was doing my job." I said stepping forward.
"You know what forget it I'm busy." He said walking past me.
Tony came up from his workplace and came towards me in his suit.
"What's going on?" I asked alarmed. He picked me up bridal style.
"No time we gotta go." e took off luckily not hitting anything in the process.
We landed at the Expo.
I heard the crowd cheering.
"We have trouble." Tony says while walking over to Rhodey.
"Tony there are civilians present. I'm here on orders. Let's not do this right now." Rhodey said. I walked over to them.
"Listen Rhodey all of these people are in danger. I think he's working with Vanko." I told him.
"Vanko's alive?" Rhodey asked as Tony walked over to Justin.
"Woah, woah, woah." Rhodey says panicked.
"What's going on?" I asked him just as the gun on his suit started moving and pointing at Tony and Justin.
"Is that you?" Tony asks Rhodey.
"No its not me. I'm locked up. I'm locked up" Rhodey says panicked. The drones moved and had their guns out. "Get out of here. Go This whole system's been compromised. I hopped off the stage as Tony started flying and guns going off.
I walked with Pepper and Natasha over to where Hammer is.
"Whose locked you out of the mainframe?" Pepper asked as we came over.
"Please, please, go away. Go away. I've got this handled." Justin stated.
"Have you now?" Pepper asked infuriated.
"Yes I do. In fact, if your guy hadn't showed up, this wouldn't be happening." He said raising his voice. "So please, now go away. Thank you." He said shooing us off. He began whispering to the guy and me being pissed off now walked over and yanked him away from the guy. I brought his arm and twisted it behind his back and slamming his face into the desk.
"Where's Ivan?" I asked him. "Where is Ivan Vanko" I growled.
"He's at my facility." He said.
I quickly exited the expo.

Do you seek Ana ►►► Avengers fanfic
Fanfiction"He may had her heart in the beginning, but that doesn't mean he has her heart in the end." Includes: Iron Man Iron Man 2 Thor The Avengers Iron Man 3 The Avengers: Age of Ultron *Captain America: Civil War