"He may had her heart in the beginning, but that doesn't mean he has her heart in the end."
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
The Avengers: Age of Ultron
*Captain America: Civil War
I started to run up the stairs, I knew he was right behind me. I jumped up and pulled my self over the rail just as he destroyed the stairs. I ignored the pain in my arm but it was almost unbearable. I started jumping over pipes and running and going under rails and more pipes. I slid under one and did a light jog as it grew quiet.
I pulled out my gun and had it ready as I started cautiously walked forward.
I jumped once I saw the Hulk and he roared. I pointed my gun above him shooting the pipe, a type of gas shot out hitting his face and I used that moment of distraction to run. I ran limping through glass tunnel type thing. I heard Hulk right behind me catching up. I made it out, I looked behind me.
The hulk swung his hand and I smacked into a wall. I groan from the pain in my arm and entire body. I struggle to sit myself up against the wall. He growled as I sat there panting. He came closer but before he could do anything else he went flying into a wall making a huge sized wall.
A breathed a sigh of relief.
I used the wall to help myself stand. I limped my way out of there. My entire body felt like it was going to give out soon I need to rest but, not here.
I smacked against the wall as the hellicarrier started tilting to the side. I lightly moan from the pain.
"Son of a bitch." I muttered.
"Engine 1 is down Barton is heading for the detention level. Does anyone copy?"
"I copy." I hear Nat say. I look up and without realizing it I was standing right outside the detention level. I press the button fro the door to open.
Loki's head snapped up.
"Not who you expected?" I asked weakly. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"What happened?" He asked sounding concerned. I merely chuckled as I leaned against the rail for support.
"This entire time, that was your plan. To get captured just to have your guys come get you." I heard the door open. I didn't have my gun on me so I swung my fist at hit hitting him square in the jaw.
He retaliated by kicking my shin making bend over some and he kneed me in the face. I felt myself fall to the floor.
I cried out in pain as I fell on my arm.
I held my arm. My vision blurred when I opened my eyes.
"Ana." I hear Loki say. The man stepped over to me and to the control panel. I heard the door open again as the cell door did.
"No" Thor yelled running right through Loki and into the cell. It closed behind Thor.
"Are you ever going to not fall for that?" Loki asks Thor with a laugh. Thor hit his hammer against the glass and one of the latches unlatched. With all my might I push myself up with my good arm so I was sitting against the wall. "The humans think of us immortal." Loki says walking nearer to the control panel. "Shall we test that?" Loki asks.
"Loki don't." I said weakly. I heard a grunt and saw the man who knocked me down fall to the floor.
"Phil." I exclaimed. He looked shocked to see me then angry.
"Move away please." He said to Loki pointing this weapon at him. And it did not look like your average gun. "You like this?" Phil asks him referring to the gun. "We started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. You want to find out?" He asks getting closer.
"Phil, please run." I pleaded. I don't want him getting hurt. Phil grunts as he was stabbed. "No" I yelled as Phil fell against the wall, sliding down it so he was in a seated position. I saw the blood spread as tears sprung to my eyes.
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I watched as Loki dropped the cage out of the hellicarrier.
"What have you done." I said as I look over at Phil who was still alive surprisingly.
"It'll be okay Ana." Phil said. I started to shake my head.
"You're going to lose." Phil told Loki.
"Why?" Loki asked.
"Because its in your nature."
"Your hero's are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky, where is my disadvantage?" Loki asks him walking closer.
"You lack conviction."
"I don't think I-" Loki was thrown back and threw a wall.
"So that's what it does." Phil said. "Your mother would be proud of you." Phil said all of a sudden.
"My mother?" I asked in confusion.
"You look so much like her." I look at him even more confused.
"How do you know her? I thought you couldn't find them." I said.
"We did find your parents. Well parent."
"How do you know my mother? Who is she?" I asked again. He lightly coughed and I grew worried.
"Her name was Sarah she was my wife." My eyes widened.
"W-What? So does that mean your my..." I trailed off.
"Yes. I am your father." He finished for me, weakly smiling. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. I shook my head.
"Don't be." I told him. "I guess it all makes sense now." I said more to myself.
"Well isn't this nice." Loki said walking over to me.
"Get away from her." Phil growled. Loki looked worried at me. But I didn't care I just wanted to kick his ass. He crouched down in front of me.
"I'm sorry." He told me.
"Go to hell." I growled. He reached his hand out and I flinched. He stopped for a moment before placing his hand on my cheek. He sighed looking at me intently.
"I've never tried this before but...." He trailed off. His cold hand turned warm. I started feeling dizzy and I think I blacked out.