I woke up in a bathtub filled with water which was steaming.
"Sorry for putting you here, you were burning pretty bad." Tony stated sitting on the edge. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern filling his voice. I looked down at my self. My dress was ruined with tears and burn marks all over it. "Yea, Thor carried you up here because he was the one who found you."
"I'm fine." I told him. I managed to calm down. And slowly my body went back to normal. I stood up from the tub and stripped from everything. Tony handed me a towel. I wrapped it around myself and walked out into our shared bedroom.
"What did I miss? What happened?" I asked Tony as I got dressed.
"Ultron escaped got through our files. Oh, and he killed Strucker and the Maximoff twins are helping him."
"That's great." I said sarcastically.
"If you're feeling up to it we're going after someone who knew Strucker in Africa." I looked at Tony.
I stood behind a wall listening in on the conversation.
"Nobody has to break anything." Thor stated.
"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron stated.
"He beat me by 1 second." Tony said. I rolled my eyes.
"Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr Stark." A new voice said in a thick accent. I peered over and saw a blonde man. It was one of the twins...Pietro. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro looked down at the weapons that had Stark's name on it.
"This was never my life." Tony stated.
"You two can still walk away from this." Steve told the twins.
"Oh, we will." The other twin Wanda spoke.
"I know you've suffered." Ultron scoffs.
"Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-" Thor calmly cut Ultron off.
"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."
"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet.'" Ultron claimed.
"Uh-huh. What's the vibranium for?" Tony asked.
"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron said before using this magnetic force to pull Tony's suit forward before blasting him back. Cap and Thor fought the iron legion as Tony and Ultron fought.
Gun shots were heard. I ran down the hall. I knocked out one of the henchmen. I ran, jumping on to a man, wrapping my legs around their neck. I twisted my body flipping them over onto the ground. I picked up a gun and whacked it across another's face.
I spun around but froze.Wanda stood in front of me. My vision blurs. I close my eyes, and when I opened them I was in a house I didn't recognize.
I walked into what I assumed was the kitchen. It smelled like bacon and eggs.
"Mommy" A little girl ran up to me and hugged my legs. I looked down at her surprised.
"Oh, your awake." Tony said walking up to me with a smile. "Come here sweetheart." He said to the girl picking her up as she giggles. Tony pecked the girl on the cheek. "I made breaksfast." Ton stated setting the girl down.
"Daddy what's wrong with mommy?" The girl asked Tony.
"Nothing sweetheart, she hasn't had her coffee yet, she can be a bit of a zombie when she wakes up. Isn't that right honey?" Tony says looking at me.
"Um yea. I'm fine." I said pecking Tony on the lips.
The scene around me changed. I was laying on the couch in Tony's arms with a movie on as the kids were coloring.
"Mommy I made this for you." I was handed a picture with what I assume me and her.
"Oh honey, I love it." I said picking her up so she was laying with Tony and I.
"Ana snap out of it" Somebody said.
My eyes teared up.
"No." I whispered. My vision blurred and when it cleared I saw Clint standing in front of me.
"Clint?" I whispered.
"Hey, yea it's me. Stay with me." I nodded.
"I'm with you. What happened?' I asked him.
"That witch was messing with your head." I leaned my head back against the wall.
"What about the others?" I asked him.
"They're all down, come on I'll help you to the jet, the others are already in there." He told me. I just nodded and took is head as he pulled me up.
"The news is just loving you guys." Maria exclaimed. I rubbed Tony's arm comfortingly. "nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."
"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asked.
"Already on the scene. How's the team?" She asked.
"Everyones..." Tony started. He looked over at me. "We took a hit. We'll shake it off.
"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here." Tony leaned forward to look at Maria's face on the screen.
"So, run and hide?"
"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer." Tony sighs.
"Neither do we." He shut the call off before standing and walking over to Clint who was flying the jet. "Hey, you wanna switch out?"
"No, I'm good." Clint responded. "If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, because we're still a few hours out."
"Few ours from where?" Tony asked.
"A safe house."

Do you seek Ana ►►► Avengers fanfic
Fanfiction"He may had her heart in the beginning, but that doesn't mean he has her heart in the end." Includes: Iron Man Iron Man 2 Thor The Avengers Iron Man 3 The Avengers: Age of Ultron *Captain America: Civil War