You guys will finally see how Tony and Ana met, how their friendship/relationship began and her reaction when Tony went missing {first Iron Man movie}
It's been a few months since Ana has been on earth and in that amount of time she learned everything she could of the term "modern day world" and Fury and a few other agents were impressed on how fast she caught on to how things are said and down on Earth.
Also considering she was staying in Shield since she has no where else to go, Fury caught her in the training room and thought to put her to use, introducing her to, two of his best agents: Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff so they could train her.
Clint was impressed by her skills already. Ana was somewhat used to the training seeing as she did so in Asgard but with Gods so that was a bit more of a challenge then training with Clint and Natasha. Natasha never went easy on Ana even if she was still a teenager. Clint never went as hard on her as Natasha did because she was still a kid in his eyes and she technically still was.
In the time of training she grew on the two master assassins. Even though it took longer with Natasha she eventually softened up to her but not in training.
It's nearly been a year since Ana came to Earth. She eventually made friends with Clint and Natasha.
Coulson almost seemed to be like a caretaker to Ana, always looking out for her and making sure she's all right.
One day she found herself at a coffee shop in DC. She never knew what that day would lead to but she was glad it happened.
Ana walked into the coffee shop and walked up to stand behind the line of people. She put her hand in her jean's pocket to make sure the cash was still there. To her relief it still was there.
"Tony don't." She heard a man's voice behind her say.
"Hi." A voice said. Ana turned her head seeing a well dressed man with slicked back brown hair and a gotye. Ana smiled.
"Hi." She replied back.
"Tony Stark. But I'm sure you already knew that little lady." He said with a cocky smirk.
"Um no." Ana told him. His smirk fell and a small one appeared on her own face. "I'm sorry but your name and face don't particularly stand out to me."
Tony's fell. He never was turned down like that before. Hell it was very rare for women to resist Tony at least the one's he's met. It was a big slap to his ego. He cleared his throat as his friend Rhodey who was standing near by was holding back a laugh.
"I'm Ana by the way." She introduced herself. Tony strained a small smile. Tony was about to say something until somebody said,
"Next." Ana looked up realizing she was next. She lightly blushed before stepping up and ordering herself coffee.
Before she can take the money from her pocket Tony handed the man his card.
"On me, I insist." Tony told her before ordering his drink.
"Oh, ugh, thank you." She said. He smirked.
"My pleasure." He said with a smirk as they were handed their drinks. They walked away from the counter.
"I want to ask you to dinner but I have to ask. How old are you?"
"17." Tony almost did a double take not expecting for her to be so young.
"Tony we gotta go." His friend Rhodey said coming over. Tony held up a finger mentally telling him to wait a minute.
"When are you turning 18?" He asked her.

Do you seek Ana ►►► Avengers fanfic
Fanfiction"He may had her heart in the beginning, but that doesn't mean he has her heart in the end." Includes: Iron Man Iron Man 2 Thor The Avengers Iron Man 3 The Avengers: Age of Ultron *Captain America: Civil War