"Ya know its not nice to snoop." The blonde haired soldier jumped before spinning around and facing me. His face showed anger.
"Did you know about this?" He asked. I walked closer to him and that's when I saw it.
Steve and I entered the lab where Tony, Fury and Dr. Banner were at.
'What is phase 2?" Tony asks just as Steve sets the weapon down on the table.
"Phase 2 is when SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons." Steve stated. "Sorry the computer was moving a little too slow for me."
"Rogers we've gathered everything related to the tesseract, does not mean-" Fury was cut off by Tony."I'm sorry Nick, what were you lying?" Tony turned the screen which showed a model of a nuclear weapon.
"I was wrong Director, the world hasn't changed a bit." Steve said as Nat and Thor walked in.
"Did you know about this?" Dr. Banner asked.
"You want to think about removing yourself from this environment doctor." Nat said to him.
"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed." He commented.
"Loki's manipulating you." She stated.
"And you've been doing what exactly?" He shot back.
"You didn't come her because I bat my eyelashes at you" Nat says getting closer to him as he moved to the front of the table.
"Look I'm not leaving because you got a little twitch. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the tesseract to build weapons for mass destruction."
"Because of him." Fury stated pointing to Thor.
"Me?" Thor asked confused.
"Last year Earth had a visitor from another planet, who had a grudge mass level of small towns. We learned not only are we not alone but we are hopelessly, hilariously out gunned."
"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor argued.
"But your not the only people out there, are you?" Fury retorted. "And your not the only threat. The world is filling up with people who can't be matched. Who can't be controlled."
"Like you control the cube." Steve says.
"Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it. And his allies." Thor stated. "This is a signal to all the realms that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war."
"Higher form?" Steve asks confused.
"Your forced or hand, we had to come up with-" Tony cut Fury off again.
"A nuclear deterrent , cause that always calms everything down." He says sarcastically.
"Remind me again how you got your fortune Stark."
"I'm sure if he still made weapons Stark will be neck deep."
"Wait, hold o, how did this become about me" Tony asked.
"I'm sorry isn't everything." Steve retorted.
Oh all father stop this fight that is starting. I sigh and walk over to Tony.
"I thought humans were more evolved then this." Thor says.
"Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?"
"Are you boys really that naïve? SIELD monitors potential threats." Natasha stated.
"Captain America is a potential threat?" Dr. Banner asked in disbelief.

Do you seek Ana ►►► Avengers fanfic
Fanfiction"He may had her heart in the beginning, but that doesn't mean he has her heart in the end." Includes: Iron Man Iron Man 2 Thor The Avengers Iron Man 3 The Avengers: Age of Ultron *Captain America: Civil War