About the book

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Let's just start off with something that doesn't make any sense at all. Like if someone were to write a book about there life would it be a biography or a fiction story about the life they wish they had?well why can't it be both? I doubt this book will get any reads because mostly people are probably thinking 'oh fuck this book there's no plot and this dumb bitch is just writing down random ass shit.'. And that's were your wrong. Now I'm going to be honest books like this bore me, well if they start out like this I'd probably just skip to the first chapter. But for the one person who stays and reads this important information thank you your a nice person and I appreciate you. Now to talk about my shitty life that I always thought was perfect!!! God I'm a blind ass bitch..... Any who let start of with what ifs and possibilities. I may have insomnia, and I might be bipolar! Its a known fact that I have bad anxiety already so just letting you know so the rest of the story makes sense, btw the rest of the book is going to be an actual book based on true events so skip this if you want I don't care that much at this point. But you may continue to read this chapter if you like!!! I'm always very random and have a tendency to be loud and annoying to quiet shy and feeling awkward or just mad. I'm not on crack I swear that's just my personality. My name will be Briella in this book, like I mentioned in my bio its not my real name, I might put my real name at the end of the story so keep on reading folks! I'm from south Georgia bitch don't hate. I think I said this chapter was important hmm I lie sometimes and forget about it oh well...

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