melanie martinez incident

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So if you're a Melanie Martinez fan (or if you were) you probably heard about the drama with her and timothy heller. If you didn't I'll just do a brief over view.

So a while back Timothy made a claim that Melanie had raped her in the past but she was to afraid to come out and say it when it happened.  Melanie replied to the statement by saying that they never did anything they both didn't want to do or something along those lines (there's videos about it if I'm confusing you).

Anyway on Twitter a lot of melanie fans made videos of themselves burning or destroying there merch after hearing this news which in my opinion is stupid because that's a waste of money. Like I understand you're mad or upset with melanie but they did this before anything was proven which seems stupid because then what if she's deemed innocent and you decide you still like her? Then all your merch will have been gone for nothing.

A lot of Melanie fans went and tried to find information on everything to find out who was telling the truth and there's lots of YouTube videos on it. The ones I watched were by 'Melxcorner' go check out there channel if you're interested.

Anyway a lot of people found sketchy stuff with Timothy's statements because she had the date wrong and other things like pictures she was using as evidence and blah blah blah everything about this situation seemed sketchy to me.

Now I know my book is like usually about my life and rants and shit but I just felt like talking about this so whatever XD

now I have a conspiracy theory about the whole situation.

I found this video on YouTube someone made talking about how timothy was trying to copy Melanie's style. You can tell by her Instagram photos she has a similar style.

Then she came out with a single a while back and people were saying how it sounded similar to one of Melanie's unrealesed songs 'night mime'.

Now I know timothy could've been inspired by melanie or whatever but why would she try to be like someone that raped her? I know they were friends and stuff before the whole situation but you would think (that if melanie did really rape timothy) why would timothy still try to be like her?

I think timothy was trying to sabotage Melanie's career so when she starts releasing more music melanie can't come after her saying she copying her. Because after all of this do you think melanie would really do anything about timothy copying her? That could just start more drama.

And I think timothy was trying to turn Melanie's fans against her so when she came out with music they would probably listen to her instead.

But its just a theory.

I also saw this thing were people where saying it was proven timothy was lying and she admitted on twitter and then people said it was photoshopped and a fake tweet.

I just don't know what to believe at this point.

I still like Melanie's songs though nothing will change that. If it does end up being true what melanie did, I'll probably still listen to her music either way.

I mean I'm not really supporting her if I illegally download songs cuz then she doesn't get a profit from that.

And either way I think its weird timothy told social media what happened to her. Like why not just keep it between you and the cops or attorneys or whoever the fuck would need to be told in that kind of situation.

That just shows she was trying to get publicity and pity for which I think is fucked up everything✌

Comment and tell me what you think about everything✌

Another thing about Melanie, has anyone seen the video of her with that 'I'm sorry I'm talking' incident.

Tell me your opinions on that to.

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