killing animals

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Back to my brother and his crossbow. After he bought the target he placed it outside in the backyard in front of the woods. It wasn't like a huge forest or anything just a collection of trees separating us from the next street. He ended up letting me try to shoot it which was a very bad idea. The house on the other side owned a bunch of fighting dogs they had on chains In the backyard. They were all barking and it was really annoying. Anyway when I shot the crossbow I accidentally shot to far up, and then I heard a dog cry then stop after a few seconds. We didn't think much of until my brother went in the woods and said he couldn't find the arrow. "I think you killed a dog." Was all he said then continued to shoot at the target. I'm not allowed to use the crossbow anymore.....

As they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Apparently my mom also killed an animal when she was little. She found a baby bird hoping around in her front yard and thought something was wrong with it. She thought it just needed to eat so she got a small piece of bred for the bird picked it up and shoved it down its throat. It choked and died.

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