Chapter One: Child Hood

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Child hood is an important part of everyone's life. Its were memories are created and friends are made. Sure there are times when you feel like killing yourself over stupid ass shit, but if your alive today then that sounds like a good enough child hood. Right? I'm twelve and thirteen next month so your probably thinking I can't teach you any life lessons and touch your heart like all your favorite books did. Honey just keep reading and let me have the satisfaction of proving you wrong.

My latest memory reverts back to when I was two. I lived in oxford Georgia in a small, but not to small house with my mom, dad and sister. My brother came to stay with us around the holidays, he lived in Tennessee with his other family. I only have two siblings yet we all have different moms. I always wondered what it'd be like to have other siblings close to my age (like the two other children did) but my mom never had anyone else. And I guess I was ok with that sense it made me the favorite so I instantly thought that was a good thing. But I was bored a lot and once I got past age four I wasn't the baby anymore so my siblings didn't like me as much because I was now the annoying little sister. Great.

Briella's POV

At age five my parents separated I didn't know why but I didn't like it. When I was younger I was a daddy's girl so when I hardly saw him of course I was sad. My mother and I lived with my grandmother for a couple weeks, and then my parents ended up getting back together. I never thought to ask them what that fight was about... So anyway happy life for a few more years that's great. My sister lived with us and not her mom because her mother had passed away when I was like three so I really don't know much about that but I knew she seemed sad a lot. So anyway after the few happy years comes my sisters graduation(highschool) I was seven so I didn't go with them because of course I would've complained about being bored. This was a while back so I don't remember were I was actually at. But I was told that when my sister got home she packed up her things and left without saying goodbye to anyone. I'm not going to go into depth about that because I don't know much. At the time I was a clueless child so it didn't bother me much. Apparently my parents knew were she was and stuff like that since she called, but didn't really know why she left. I was a weird child. I would play dress up watch movies have slumber parties and all that but they were different from most. I spent most of childhood with my cousin Abby who for some reason now calls me tot... Anyway we were both strange and still are but oh god watching home videos of are family you'd think we should be institutionalized.

I remember watching a video of us with pillows shoved in our shirts and most people would probably think aw how sweet there playing life and pretending to be mommy's. Um no we were pretending to be sumo wrestlers and were trying to knock each other down with our stomachs. I was eight she was like twelve. Your probably thinking that's not so bad, well wait until you hear about all the other weird shit we did. Weirdess thing we've ever done together would probably be either pissing off old lady's at bingo or making it seem like someone was getting raped.

Let me explain. Abby's mom used to go to bingo every weekend so we would come with her and just be retards. so we had this bet to see who could stay in the bathroom the longest. It sounds stupid but it lasted for about an hour. In the girls bathroom there were three stalls. We both went in one and we were gonna see who could stay the longest. It sounds easy but it really wasn't. You see a lot of old people like to play bingo and most old people have to pee a lot. So with there only being three stalls and us using two of them after about 50 minutes there was a line leading out of the bathroom and almost to the front door to the bingo place, there were so many old ladies cussing us out saying to 'hurry the fuck up.' (Improvising just a tad).. And eventually my cousin bursted out laughing and ran out the bathroom. I was mainly scared to leaving thinking I was gonna get beat up by old people so I stayed there until it was time to go and we stamped each other with bingo ink in the car....


this was just a few months ago, Abby sixteen, me twelve. It was late at night and we went to Walmart with her parents we stayed in the car and they went inside to get grocery's.

So we listened to music for awhile on her phone since she had an ox cord so her phone was hooked up to the radio. We eventually got bored and decided to do a social experiment. She turned the radio up almost all the way and played an audio video of women screaming, plus we had the windows down. We got a few weird glances but I'm pretty sure everyone saw us laughing so no one came running over. That was until her parents came rushing out of the store hearing the screams so she paused the video and we died laughing. Her mom asked who was screaming we simply stated no one she obviously didn't believe us and said we almost gave her a heart attack, this doesn't sound that weird but it was down right funny to us. Its kinda like you had to be there moment so please add this to your library or you'll miss the following retarted events listed below:

1. Retarted dance battles

2. Presenting to fly and hanging half way out the window and screaming dumb shit to get weird glances from neighbors

3. Chicken in the house(its alive!)

4. Throwing fire works at people

5. Making up dumb ass songs in the dark at 3:00am and singing them to each other

6.killing fish at Walmart making videos acting like we on crack

8. My friend who looks like Tyler Oakley getting bitch slapped by me

9.getting peed on by my bff

10.riding a golf cart around a ghetto trailer park and getting followed by a van

11. Smoking paper in the woods( that doesn't stand for anything like taking actual copy paper and smoking it)

12. Throwing cats in trees

13. Putting bull dogs in in little kid toy shopping carts

14. A lot more

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