Hit and Tickle.

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Weird fact about me when I'm tickled I will laugh, but its an angry laugh. I remember when I was about seven I was asleep on the couch when my dad randomly started tickling me. I started laughing and kicking trying to escape, but then I felt trapped so I spit in his face..

He stopped and told me not to do that XD apparently a tickle war was emerging cuz then my brother ran in with my mom chasing after him trying to tickle him. Then my dad grabbed him and pinned him to the floor while my mom tickled him

I joined in to. Then my sister came out of her hiding spot and tried to tickle him but then they tried to get her
So then Jamie escaped (my brother)

My dad went after my sister and I just ran outside cuz I was bored. And while I was gone they all made a plan to gang up on me. I was seven my brother like 14 and my sister 16

They both pinned me down and tickled me in the middle of the yard at like midnight.

The title has nothing to do with any of that XD

So the other day at school we had ten minutes before dismissal and I was bored so I stole my friend Christians binder. Then he chased me around the room trying to get it when the teacher stopped us.

She said "I'm tired of this game of hit and tickle!"

I just laughed and gave christian his book.
Then she kept looked over at him and kept talking. "You know when I was younger we just took a piece of paper and wrote 'do you like me?' Circle yes or no."

Then Christian shook his head. "No no no and No." I just laughed and then left.

Our poke war hasn't continued much since then. I poked him one day and now its just a back and forth thing I keep losing at. People keep ruining things. Like one day we were playing footsie BECAUSE WE WERE BORED

And some boy came up and was like
"Oh you guys are playing footsie you know what that leads to.."

I just stared at him.

Then he just said "sex" in a really weird voice. Then we both stopped and Christian was like ' I don't wanna play anymore." I just laughed.

People get on my nerves with that kind of thing. Like why can't two friends just kindly kick each other


Yay I fixed book

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