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This chapter I will make like a book I guess, but its going to be past tense.

Briella's POV.

After school I'd always come home eat a snack and then take a nap. At this time I was living with my cousin (I'll explain later) so we had to get for school at like five thirty and were always tired when we got back from the long walk home. So on a usual day I was taking a nap and after about 2 hours I heard her dying of laughter. I jumped up confused and see her hanging half way out the window with her phone and screaming a bunch of random shit. "What are you doing?" I ask laughing at her. She didn't reply at first but then came back in from the window."the neighbors saw me." She says and continues to laugh. "Hey hang out your window with my phone I'm gonna hang out mine and your gonna make a video of me flying." She says then goes back to her room.

This was of course for Snapchat. All her snap chats were weird. It would go from drawing on peoples face, a cat jumping out my pants, throwing fire crackers under my dads chair, a chicken walking on the microwave, to me thrashing around on the floor acting like I was possed. A lot of that happened on the 4th of July.... Then there were times when we did dumb crap in public.

I was sitting on a Disney princess couch at Walmart on the kids aisle and Abby decided to make a Snapchat. Once the video got started she threw the other couch's on top of me and I crawled down the aisle trying to get away. We got a lot of strange glances. I've had many strange experiences in stores. Mainly at Walmart.

One time my cousin Lilli spent the night at my house and my brother wanted to go to Walmart since he got a new bow and arrow and he needed to get a target. He couldn't leave us alone since it was late at night and my parents were gone so we went with him. After he found the target we walked around for awhile since we were all bored. There was an aisle that had little nic nacs for fish tanks, fish food, and even small live fish in containers. My cousin picked one up to get a better look and the whole shelf fell causing all the fish containers to fall and some broke. I immediately fell to the floor laughing and my brother told me to shut up cause he didn't want any workers to come by, so he picked up the fish put them back in the broken containers, lifted the shelf and put the dying fish back and we ran out the store......

We'll talk about bad experiences in restaurants in the next chapter. Lol its hard to write this like a real book because I have to tell it how I remember it.

Please vote, comment tell me some of your embarrassing moments in public.


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