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Lately I've just been wanting to end it all. I'm just tired of everything and everyone. *sighs* yeah so this is the end.....

Of my choppy ass chapters

I mean like damn there's like ten of those things. Lol

The past few weeks events:

Apparently there's a boy on my bus who finds me rape worthy so yeah starting this off with good things...

Halloween is soon whoever the fuck reads this (im talking to you, you invisible non exsistant person) I'm being the mad hatter, what are you being?

So I would just like to take a moment and congratulate Hitler on making a successful easy bake oven sadly I've never had one but my friend did.

I'm not good at staying on topic but fuck it like a bucket

Oooo that happened at school..

I was talking to my friend tahi and for some reason I made him think I was gay and every time he said something about gay people I would say same yeah anyway I was talking about a fuck bucket and he agreed its a bucket you fuck in...

I'm really good at making people hate me~just a side note.

Is it illegal to stab someone if you have a valid reason?

Random person: *bumps into me*

Me: hissssssss *stabs*

Person: *screams*

Me: *runs like naruto*

Good reason I think yeah

Hmm so like if you put a big ol stick right up your ass and push it really far you might be able to get it threw your stomach and break apart all your insides then you'll go to hell. And I'll be there to in a few years. To shove an even bigger stick up your ass. So you know there's no escape.

Btw your a stupid cunt suck my dick :-)

So who wants to be the first with a big stick up there ass? Leave your name, address, phone number, email, and social security number in the comments and I'll get right to you..

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