Clap Dogs

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Ahh school, a beautiful place were we all go to learn. Learn about how all trees have HIV, all kids that play tug a war are very crusty and dusty, you should never fall up a hill in a dress, don't tell your crush you like them or they'll slap you in the back of the head, your mom never loved you... You are the cum shot she should've swallowed... XD thank you Brandon, if you see your friend bounce on a tree branch you feel the need to lye on the ground.

Jerry: whenever I play hide and seek with little kids I suddenly have the urge to rub hot sauce alll over my body

Who is jerry? We might ask... He is a character I came up with... So is Kevin and potato frank....

Today at school we went outside to play football or we could play tug a war. Me and my friend Kylie just decided to sit in the shade and record them.
That's the link to the video of the retards I decide to put it on YouTube.

Then we went back to class and we got ice cream and were watching a movie when suddenly everybody was screaming and was going to the door so me and Kylie got up to see what was going on cuz we thought there was a fight.

Apparently my science and ela teacher were in the hallway having a whip cream war and mr.damndaniels had a cream beard.

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